Hackers Temporarily Seize Control Of Google Morocco Domain Name source: http://www.pleazik.com/google_hacked.html http://www.techcrunch.com/2009/05/09/hackers-temporarily-seize-control-of-google-morocco-domain-name/ zone-h mirror http://www.zone-h.org/mirror/id/8858514
they hacking sites that has no special care for example google.com - it is main, but i think google.co.ma was some "forgotten" by company. it was with microsoft.it. (sorry for my english)
i am bad speak english language .kill me please xD cool hack =) good hack ........oops for hacker's who hack google +1000
Big Brother was attacked? lol'z,nothing interesting in that may be are title look are much better. >ObeY to Us,We DaFaCeD GoOgL3. onw3d