Здравствуйте, уважаемые хакеры, программисты и просто любители, на сервере стоит wordpress 3.6.1 Сканнирование программой wpscan показало, что имеются две уязвимости: 1) | Name: adminimize v1.8.4 | Location: http://www.site.ru/wp-content/plugins/adminimize/ | Directory listing enabled: Yes | Readme: http://www.site.ru/wp-content/plugins/adminimize/readme.txt | | * Title: adminimize 1.7.21 - Cross-Site Scripting Vulnerabilities | * Reference: http://seclists.org/bugtraq/2011/Nov/135 Wordpress adminimize.1.7.21 Plugin Cross-Site Scripting Vulnerabilities Download......: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/adminimize/ Bug Found.....: IrIsT™ Exploit.......: http://www.site.com/[path]/wp-content/plugins/adminimize/adminimize_page.php?page=[xss] 2) | Name: wordpress-seo v1.4.19 | Location: http://www.site.ru/wp-content/plugins/wordpress-seo/ | Directory listing enabled: Yes | Readme: http://www.site.ru/wp-content/plugins/wordpress-seo/readme.txt | Changelog: http://www.site.ru/wp-content/plugins/wordpress-seo/changelog.txt | | * Title: WordPress SEO 1.14.15 - index.php s Parameter Reflected XSS | * Reference: http://packetstormsecurity.com/files/123028/ | * Reference: http://osvdb.org/97885 | | * Title: WordPress SEO 1.4.6 - Reset Settings Feature Access Restriction Bypass | * Reference: http://secunia.com/advisories/52949 | * Reference: http://osvdb.org/92147 Discussion: Yoast SEO Plugin v1.14.15 has a xss vulnerability due to lack of search sanitation. Exploit: This can be exploited with a browser and is usually executed inside the search parameter of the website. Proof of concept: http://5linx.com/?s="><script>alert(document.cookie);</script> Description: WordPress SEO by Yoast Plugin for WordPress contains a flaw that is due to the program failing to properly restrict access to users. This may allow a remote attacker to bypass restrictions placed on the 'reset settings' feature. Classification: Location: Remote / Network Access Attack Type: Input Manipulation Impact: Loss of Integrity Solution: Solution Unknown Exploit: Exploit Private Disclosure: Vendor Verified, Third-party Verified OSVDB: Web Related Подскажите, опасны ли они? Ещё немного информации от nmap, по открытым портам (17): 21 - tcp - open - ftp - Pure-FTPd 22 - tcp - open - ssh - OpenSSH 5.3 (protocol 2.0) 25 - tcp - open - smtp - Exim smtpd 4.80.1 53 - tcp - open - domain 80 - tcp - open - http - nginx 1.4.2 110 - tcp - open - pop3 - Dovecot pop3d 111 - tcp - open - rpcbind - 2-4 (RPC#100000) 135 - tcp - filtered - msrpc 139 - tcp - filtered - netbios-ssn 143 - tcp - open - imap - Dovecot imapd 179 - tcp - filtered - bgp 443 - tcp - open - http - nginx 1.4.2 445 - tcp - filtered - microsoft-ds 465 - tcp - open - smtp - Exim smtpd 4.80.1 587 - tcp - open - smtp - Exim smtpd 4.80.1 993 - tcp - open - imap - Dovecot imapd 995 - tcp - open - pop3 - Dovecot pop3d 1720 - tcp - filtered - H.323/Q.931 3306 - tcp - open - mysql - MySQL 5.1.71-rel14.9 5666 - tcp - open - tcpwrapped 8080 - tcp - open - http - Apache httpd 2.2.25 8081 - tcp - open - http - Apache httpd 2.2.25
Здравствуйте! Соседей вроде бы как нет. Вот развёрнутый анализ wpscan: | Started: [+] robots.txt available under: 'http://site.ru/robots.txt' [!] The WordPress 'http://site.ru/readme.html' file exists [!] Full Path Disclosure (FPD) in: 'http://site.ru/wp-includes/rss-functions.php' [+] Interesting header: SERVER: nginx/1.4.2 [+] Interesting header: WP-SUPER-CACHE: Served supercache file from PHP [+] Interesting header: X-POWERED-BY: PHP/5.3.13 [+] XML-RPC Interface available under: http://site.ru/xmlrpc.php [+] WordPress version 3.6.1 identified from meta generator [+] WordPress theme in use: responsive v1.9.3.8 | Name: responsive v1.9.3.8 | Location: http://site.ru/wp-content/themes/responsive/ | Readme: http://site.ru/wp-content/themes/responsive/readme.txt | Changelog: http://site.ru/wp-content/themes/responsive/changelog.txt [+] Enumerating installed plugins ... Time: 00:01:58 <=======================> (2615 / 2615) 100.00% Time: 00:01:58 [+] We found 22 plugins: | Name: adminimize v1.8.4 | Location: http://site.ru/wp-content/plugins/adminimize/ | Directory listing enabled: Yes | Readme: http://site.ru/wp-content/plugins/adminimize/readme.txt | | * Title: adminimize 1.7.21 - Cross-Site Scripting Vulnerabilities | * Reference: http://seclists.org/bugtraq/2011/Nov/135 | Name: contact-form-7 v3.5.4 | Location: http://site.ru/wp-content/plugins/contact-form-7/ | Directory listing enabled: Yes | Readme: http://site.ru/wp-content/plugins/contact-form-7/readme.txt | Name: createit-jquery-3level-accordion-menu | Location: http://site.ru/wp-content/plugins/createit-jquery-3level-accordion-menu/ | Name: display-posts-shortcode v2.3 | Location: http://site.ru/wp-content/plugins/display-posts-shortcode/ | Directory listing enabled: Yes | Readme: http://site.ru/wp-content/plugins/display-posts-shortcode/readme.txt | Name: easy-fancybox v1.5.5 | Location: http://site.ru/wp-content/plugins/easy-fancybox/ | Directory listing enabled: Yes | Readme: http://site.ru/wp-content/plugins/easy-fancybox/readme.txt | Name: fotorama v4.4.6 | Location: http://site.ru/wp-content/plugins/fotorama/ | Directory listing enabled: Yes | Readme: http://site.ru/wp-content/plugins/fotorama/readme.txt | Name: mp6 | Location: http://site.ru/wp-content/plugins/mp6/ | Directory listing enabled: Yes | Readme: http://site.ru/wp-content/plugins/mp6/readme.txt | Name: responsive-add-ons v1.0.4 | Location: http://site.ru/wp-content/plugins/responsive-add-ons/ | Directory listing enabled: Yes | Readme: http://site.ru/wp-content/plugins/responsive-add-ons/readme.txt | Name: revslider | Location: http://site.ru/wp-content/plugins/revslider/ | Directory listing enabled: Yes | Name: rustolat v0.3 | Location: http://site.ru/wp-content/plugins/rustolat/ | Directory listing enabled: Yes | Readme: http://site.ru/wp-content/plugins/rustolat/readme.txt | Name: simple-scroll-to-top v2.4.0 | Location: http://site.ru/wp-content/plugins/simple-scroll-to-top/ | Directory listing enabled: Yes | Readme: http://site.ru/wp-content/plugins/simple-scroll-to-top/readme.txt | Name: sitemap v4.2 | Location: http://site.ru/wp-content/plugins/sitemap/ | Directory listing enabled: Yes | Readme: http://site.ru/wp-content/plugins/sitemap/readme.txt | Name: sitemap-generator-wp v1.08 | Location: http://site.ru/wp-content/plugins/sitemap-generator-wp/ | Directory listing enabled: Yes | Readme: http://site.ru/wp-content/plugins/sitemap-generator-wp/readme.txt | Name: smooth-page-scroll-to-top v0.3 | Location: http://site.ru/wp-content/plugins/smooth-page-scroll-to-top/ | Readme: http://site.ru/wp-content/plugins/smooth-page-scroll-to-top/readme.txt | Name: smooth-scroll-up | Location: http://site.ru/wp-content/plugins/smooth-scroll-up/ | Directory listing enabled: Yes | Name: themefuse-maintenance-mode v1.1.3 | Location: http://site.ru/wp-content/plugins/themefuse-maintenance-mode/ | Directory listing enabled: Yes | Readme: http://site.ru/wp-content/plugins/themefuse-maintenance-mode/readme.txt | Name: touchcarousel | Location: http://site.ru/wp-content/plugins/touchcarousel/ | Directory listing enabled: Yes | Name: vslider v4.1.2 | Location: http://site.ru/wp-content/plugins/vslider/ | Directory listing enabled: Yes | Readme: http://site.ru/wp-content/plugins/vslider/readme.txt | Name: widget-logic v0.56 | Location: http://site.ru/wp-content/plugins/widget-logic/ | Directory listing enabled: Yes | Readme: http://site.ru/wp-content/plugins/widget-logic/readme.txt | Name: wordpress-importer v0.6 | Location: http://site.ru/wp-content/plugins/wordpress-importer/ | Directory listing enabled: Yes | Readme: http://site.ru/wp-content/plugins/wordpress-importer/readme.txt | Name: wordpress-seo v1.4.19 | Location: http://site.ru/wp-content/plugins/wordpress-seo/ | Directory listing enabled: Yes | Readme: http://site.ru/wp-content/plugins/wordpress-seo/readme.txt | Changelog: http://site.ru/wp-content/plugins/wordpress-seo/changelog.txt | | * Title: WordPress SEO 1.14.15 - index.php s Parameter Reflected XSS | * Reference: http://packetstormsecurity.com/files/123028/ | * Reference: http://osvdb.org/97885 | | * Title: WordPress SEO 1.4.6 - Reset Settings Feature Access Restriction Bypass | * Reference: http://secunia.com/advisories/52949 | * Reference: http://osvdb.org/92147 | Name: wp-super-cache v1.4 | Location: http://site.ru/wp-content/plugins/wp-super-cache/ | Directory listing enabled: Yes | Readme: http://site.ru/wp-content/plugins/wp-super-cache/readme.txt [+] Finished --------------------------------------------------- [+] Enumerating installed themes ... Time: 00:00:26 <=========================> (491 / 491) 100.00% Time: 00:00:26 [+] We found 1 themes: | Name: responsive v1.9.3.8 | Location: http://site.ru/wp-content/themes/responsive/ | Readme: http://site.ru/wp-content/themes/responsive/readme.txt | Changelog: http://site.ru/wp-content/themes/responsive/changelog.txt [+] Finished --------------------------------------------------- [+] Enumerating usernames ... [+] We found the following 1 user/s: +----+-------+------------------+ | Id | Login | Name | +----+-------+------------------+ | 1 | admin | admin, Author at | +----+-------+------------------+ [+] Finished --------------------------------------------------- [+] Enumerating timthumb files ... Time: 00:01:58 <=======================> (2430 / 2430) 100.00% Time: 00:01:58 [+] We found 1 timthumb file/s: | [!] http://site.ru/wp-content/plugins/vslider/timthumb.php v2.8.10 * Reference: http://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/17602/ [+] Finished --------------------------------------------------- Брутфорс пароля результата не дал, было проверено около 500000 вариантов.
Ребят а кто может провести аудит-безопасности моего сайта за вознаграждение? Если получится, то добраться до фтп и объяснить потом что нужно сделать, чтобы залатать найденную уязвимость. Или подскажите куда можно обратиться с такой просьбой.
Для этого есть специальный раздел. И он точно не является этой темой Другой вопрос в том, подтвердители вы то, что сайт действительно ваш? Энивей, скиньте ссылку в лс.