vpngate net будьте осторожны!

Discussion in 'Анонимность' started by shadowman, 7 Mar 2014.

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  1. shadowman

    shadowman New Member

    2 Jul 2013
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    При установке сервера можно почитать правила. Лог файлы хранятся вечно, но закодированы по законам Японии после 2х недель на компе, где стоит серверная часть.Ведётся логирование пакетов. Раскодят их по обращению самого юзера владельца сервака, когда к нему придут органы (запрос официальный) Короче, что клиентская часть, что серверная напичкана бекдорами и собирает инфу даже клиентская часть. Юзать можно, но только после своего впн сервака строить цепь и не использовать их клиен-софт.


    5.9. Packet Logs Automatic Archiving and Encoding Function
    The VPN Gate Academic Experiment Service is operated and running under the Japanese constitution and laws. The Japanese constitution laws demand strictly protection over the privacy of communication. Because this service is under Japanese rules, the program of VPN Gate Service implements this "Automatic Log File Encoding" protection mechanism, and enabled by default.
    The VPN Gate Service is currently configured to encode packet log files which has passed two or more weeks automatically, by default. In order to protect privacy of communication, if a packet log file is once encoded, even the administrator of the local computer cannot censor the packet log file. This mechanism protects privacy of end-users of VPN Gate Service.
    You can change the VPN Gate Service setting to disable this automatic encoding function. Then packet log files will never be encoded even after two weeks passed. In such a configuration, all packet logs will remain as plain-text on the disk. Therefore you have to take care not to violate user's privacy.
    If you are liable to decode an encoded packet log files (for example: a VPN Gate Service's user illegally abused your VPN Gate Service and you have to decode the packet logs in order to comply the laws), contact the administrator of the VPN Gate Academic Experiment Service at Graduate School of University of Tsukuba, Japan. You can find the contact address at http://www.vpngate.net/. The administrator of VPN Gate Service will respond to decode the packet logs if there is an appropriate and legal request from court or other judicial authorities, according to laws.

    5.10. Caution if You Operate VPN Gate Service in the Japan's Territories
    When a user operates VPN Gate Service in the Japan's territories, such an act may be regulated under the Japanese Telecommunication Laws if the operation is a subject to the law. However, in such a circumstance, according to the "Japanese Telecommunication Business Compete Manual [supplemental version]" , non- profitable operations of communications are not identified as a "telecommunication business" . So usual operators of VPN Gate Service are not subjects to "telecommunication business operators" , and not be mandated to register to the government. Even so, legalities to protect the privacy of communication still imposed. As a conclusion, if you operate VPN Gate Service in the Japan's Territories, you must not leak the secrets of communications which are transmitted via your operating VPN Gate Service.
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