Hello, I am looking for perl account checker. I mean check for hotmail,yahoo or gmail. So see if they works or not.
Hmm...look at _http://perl.cpan.org/ there were some modules for Gmal (and Hotmail, i guess). The main trouble with Gmail mails is that the access on them you may get only over SSL.
Thanks biophreak, but I was looking there all ready ;s And DRON-ANARCHY, please write in english! Need tool like this badly.
The script looks like that: Code: use GMail::Checker; my $gwrapper = new GMail::Checker(); return if(!$gwrapper->login("username","password")); print "Valid account\n"; This is for checking Gmail account
Hmmm...those script i've made just for 1 minute. If you need checker of multiple accounts - send me a PM.