имеется такая ошибка: HTML: Error! mysql_connect('-', '-', '-') User 'record_bitrix' has exceeded the 'max_user_connections' resource (current value: 60) File: /home/r/record/public_html/bitrix/modules/statistic/classes/mysql/stoplist.php Line: 238 MySQL Query Error: SELECT ID, MESSAGE, MESSAGE_LID, SAVE_STATISTIC, URL_REDIRECT, TEST FROM b_stop_list WHERE ACTIVE='Y' and TEST='N' and (SITE_ID = '' or SITE_ID is null or length(SITE_ID)<=0) and (DATE_START<=now() or DATE_START is null) and (DATE_END>=now() or DATE_END is null) and ((((MASK_1 & 95)=IP_1 and (MASK_2 & 153)=IP_2 and (MASK_3 & 95)=IP_3 and (MASK_4 & 178)=IP_4) or (IP_1 is null and IP_2 is null and IP_3 is null and IP_4 is null)) and (upper('') like concat('%',upper(USER_AGENT),'%') or length(USER_AGENT)<=0 or USER_AGENT is null) and (107=0 or USER_AGENT_IS_NULL<>'Y') and (upper('') like concat('%',upper(URL_FROM),'%') or length(URL_FROM)<=0 or URL_FROM is null) and (upper('') like concat('%',upper(URL_TO),'%') or length(URL_TO)<=0 or URL_TO is null) ) [User 'record_bitrix' has exceeded the 'max_user_connections' resource (current value: 60)] DB query error. Please try later.
с этим можно сделать неплохой DoS, пока администратор не проснется, и не увеличит max_user_connections