Web Services Secure Connection

Discussion in 'Forum for discussion of ANTICHAT' started by Dracula4ever, 13 Jun 2006.

  1. Dracula4ever

    Dracula4ever Elder - Старейшина

    8 May 2006
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    Hey all!!

    For all you Web Services coders, there is quite a nice security feature list in the Web Services Enhancments (WSE) 3.0 . The WSE3.0 allows you to set the security of the connection between a web client and a web service. The features are meant to solve 2 problems: Authentication at the beginning of the connection and Confidentiality and Integrity during the connection.
    The Authentication part allows you to use one of 3 mechanisms: Kerberos (good for a situation of a web service and web client in the same domain), Certificates (good for a situation of iner-domain connection and a fat client) and Username/Password (good for all the rest :)

    The security of the connection (called secure conversation) can ride on each of the authenticatoin mechanisms when the main principle is to use the Kerberos ticket/Certificate/Password derived key to pass a conversatoin key used for encryption and digital signature. More info can be found at : http://msdn.microsoft.com/msdnmag/issues/06/02/WSE30/

    Enjoy :)
