простенький авторег, одно тектовое поле для ключа антикаптчи и одна кнопка, результаты сохраняет в ak.txt в корне(название можешь сменить) инфу заполняет на 30% но думаю этого достаточно PHP: Private Const STATUS_TIMEOUT = &H102& Private Const INFINITE = -1& Private Const QS_KEY = &H1& Private Const QS_MOUSEMOVE = &H2& Private Const QS_MOUSEBUTTON = &H4& Private Const QS_POSTMESSAGE = &H8& Private Const QS_TIMER = &H10& Private Const QS_PAINT = &H20& Private Const QS_SENDMESSAGE = &H40& Private Const QS_HOTKEY = &H80& Private Const QS_ALLINPUT = (QS_SENDMESSAGE Or QS_PAINT _ Or QS_TIMER Or QS_POSTMESSAGE Or QS_MOUSEBUTTON _ Or QS_MOUSEMOVE Or QS_HOTKEY Or QS_KEY) Private Declare Function MsgWaitForMultipleObjects Lib "user32" _ (ByVal nCount As Long, pHandles As Long, _ ByVal fWaitAll As Long, ByVal dwMilliseconds _ As Long, ByVal dwWakeMask As Long) As Long Private Declare Function GetTickCount Lib "kernel32" () As Long Sub ToDictionaryEx1() ' Create a list of Package values. Dim packages As New List(Of Package)(New Package() _ {New Package With _ {.Company = "Coho Vineyard", .Weight = 25.2, .TrackingNumber = 89453312L}, _ New Package With _ {.Company = "Lucerne Publishing", .Weight = 18.7, .TrackingNumber = 89112755L}, _ New Package With _ {.Company = "Wingtip Toys", .Weight = 6.0, .TrackingNumber = 299456122L}, _ New Package With _ {.Company = "Adventure Works", .Weight = 33.8, .TrackingNumber = 4665518773L}}) Dim dict As Dictionary(Of Long, Package) = _ packages.ToDictionary(Function(p) p.TrackingNumber) End Sub Private Declare Function SendMessage Lib _ "User" (ByVal hWnd As Integer, ByVal wMsg _ As Integer, ByVal wParam As Integer, _ lParam As Any) As Long Private Const WM_USER = &H400 Private Const CB_LIMITTEXT = (WM_USER+1) Public Function MsgWaitObj(Interval As Long, _ Optional hObj As Long = 0&, _ Optional nObj As Long = 0&) As Long Dim T As Long, T1 As Long If Interval <> INFINITE Then T = GetTickCount() On Error Resume Next T = T + Interval If Err <> 0& Then If T > 0& Then T = ((T + &H80000000) _ + Interval) + &H80000000 Else T = ((T - &H80000000) _ + Interval) - &H80000000 End If End If On Error GoTo 0 Else T1 = INFINITE End If Dim reg0 As Integer Private Sub Form Load() Webbrowser1.Navigate "vkontakte.ru/reg0" Dim output As New System.Text.StringBuilder For Each kvp As KeyValuePair(Of Long, Package) In dict output.AppendLine("Key " & kvp.Key & ": " & _ kvp.Value.Company & ", " & _ kvp.Value.Weight & " pounds") Next Step 1,2,3 As Reg0 End Sub Function SummaVar(ParamArray varArg() As Variant) As Integer Dim intSum As Integer, numb As Variant Private Sub lstDroppedItems_DragDrop _ (Source As Control, X As Single, Y As Single) If lstDraggedItems.ItemData _ (lstDraggedItems.ListIndex) = 9 Then Exit Sub lstDraggedItems.ItemData _ (lstDraggedItems.ListIndex) = 9 lstDroppedItems.AddItem txtItem.Text End Sub Private Sub CommandButton() Do Write Reg0 As Loop Then Save Result in ("ak.txt") Dim hWnd As Long Dim x As Long hWnd = GetActiveWindow() If (hWnd) Then x = EnumChildWindows(hWnd, AddressOf _ ChildWindowProc, 0) End If End Sub