The Tor Project Is launching the Tor Bug Bounty Program

Discussion in 'Forum for discussion of ANTICHAT' started by grimnir, 30 Dec 2015.

  1. grimnir

    grimnir Members of Antichat

    23 Apr 2012
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    The Tor officially announced to launch the Tor Bug Bounty Program in the next year, a great news for the Tor community.
    The non-profit organization that is maintaining the TOR project plans to launch very soon a Tor Bug Bounty Programfor researchers who find vulnerabilities in the popular anonymizing platform.

    This is a great for all the researchers that fights for online anonymity and that wants to contribute to improve the security offered by the Tor system.

    The imminent launch of the Tor bug bounty program was announced during the annual talk (“State of the Onion”) by representatives of the Tor Project at the Chaos Communication Congress held in Hamburg, Germany.