В общем, есть вопрос. Хотелось бы скулю раскрутить, на сайте есть ваф, код его прилагаю ниже. Получится ли? Алсо, могу спокойно лазить по файловой системе и смотреть исходники. Хотя все еще нахожусь в процессе раскрытия полных путей. Spoiler: WAF Code: Sub Check_Request() 'Response.Write "<script language=""javascript"">alert(""함수실행"");</script>" & vbCRLF Dim LWItem, strlogfilename, HLogfso, FormData, ErrParity, HLogGetFile, errURL errURL = "http://www.govonline.cn/" For each LWItem in Request.QueryString ' response.write (LWItem & ":" & Reuqest.QueryString(LWItem) & "<BR>") if Request(LWItem) <> empty then if (inStr(lcase(Request(LWItem)), "select") > 0 or inStr(lcase(Request(LWItem)), "delete") > 0) and inStr(lcase(Request(LWItem)), "from") > 0 then ErrParity = 1 exit for end if if inStr(lcase(Request(LWItem)), "update") > 0 and inStr(lcase(Request(LWItem)), "set") > 0 then ErrParity = 2 exit for end if if inStr(lcase(Request(LWItem)), "insert") > 0 and inStr(lcase(Request(LWItem)), "into") > 0 then ErrParity = 3 exit for end if if inStr(lcase(Request(LWItem)), ";") > 0 and (inStr(lcase(Request(LWItem)), "exec") > 0 or inStr(lcase(Request(LWItem)), "sp_") > 0 or inStr(lcase(Request(LWItem)), "xp_") > 0) then ErrParity = 4 exit for end if 'if inStr(lcase(Request(LWItem)), ";") > 0 or inStr(lcase(Request(LWItem)), "--") > 0 or inStr(lcase(Request(LWItem)), "/") > 0 or inStr(lcase(Request(LWItem)), "*") > 0 or inStr(lcase(Request(LWItem)), "=") > 0 then ' ErrParity = 91 ' exit for 'end if if inStr(lcase(Request(LWItem)), "count(") > 0 or inStr(lcase(Request(LWItem)), "asc(") > 0 or inStr(lcase(Request(LWItem)), "mid(") > 0 or inStr(lcase(Request(LWItem)), "char(") > 0 or inStr(lcase(Request(LWItem)), "cast(") > 0 or inStr(lcase(Request(LWItem)), "replace(") > 0 then ErrParity = 92 exit for end if if inStr(lcase(Request(LWItem)), "exec") > 0 or inStr(lcase(Request(LWItem)), "declare") > 0 or inStr(lcase(Request(LWItem)), "0x") > 0 or inStr(lcase(Request(LWItem)), "drop") > 0 or inStr(lcase(Request(LWItem)), "truncate") > 0 or inStr(lcase(Request(LWItem)), "cmdshell") > 0 or inStr(lcase(Request(LWItem)), "execmaster") > 0 or inStr(lcase(Request(LWItem)), "netlocalgroupadministratThens") > 0 or inStr(lcase(Request(LWItem)), "netuser") > 0 or inStr(lcase(Request(LWItem)), "create") > 0 or inStr(lcase(Request(LWItem)), "shutdown") > 0 or inStr(lcase(Request(LWItem)), "kill") > 0 or inStr(lcase(Request(LWItem)), "xmp") > 0 then ErrParity = 93 exit for end if end if Next For each LWItem in Request.Form ' response.write (LWItem & ":" & Reuqest.QueryString(LWItem) & "<BR>") FormData = FormData & "&" & lwItem & "=" & Request(LWItem) if Request(LWItem) <> empty then if (inStr(lcase(Request(LWItem)), "select") > 0 or inStr(lcase(Request(LWItem)), "delete") > 0) and inStr(lcase(Request(LWItem)), "from") > 0 then ErrParity = 11 exit for end if if inStr(lcase(Request(LWItem)), "update") > 0 and inStr(lcase(Request(LWItem)), "set") > 0 then ErrParity = 12 exit for end if if inStr(lcase(Request(LWItem)), "insert") > 0 and inStr(lcase(Request(LWItem)), "into") > 0 then ErrParity = 13 exit for end if if inStr(lcase(Request(LWItem)), ";") > 0 and (inStr(lcase(Request(LWItem)), "exec") > 0 or inStr(lcase(Request(LWItem)), "sp_") > 0 or inStr(lcase(Request(LWItem)), "xp_") > 0) then ErrParity = 14 exit for end if 'if inStr(lcase(Request(LWItem)), ";") > 0 or inStr(lcase(Request(LWItem)), "--") > 0 or inStr(lcase(Request(LWItem)), "/") > 0 or inStr(lcase(Request(LWItem)), "*") > 0 or inStr(lcase(Request(LWItem)), "=") > 0 then ' ErrParity = 94 ' exit for 'end if if inStr(lcase(Request(LWItem)), "count(") > 0 or inStr(lcase(Request(LWItem)), "asc(") > 0 or inStr(lcase(Request(LWItem)), "mid(") > 0 or inStr(lcase(Request(LWItem)), "char(") > 0 or inStr(lcase(Request(LWItem)), "cast(") > 0 or inStr(lcase(Request(LWItem)), "replace(") > 0 then ErrParity = 95 exit for end if 'if inStr(lcase(Request(LWItem)), "exec") > 0 or inStr(lcase(Request(LWItem)), "declare") > 0 or inStr(lcase(Request(LWItem)), "0x") > 0 or inStr(lcase(Request(LWItem)), "drop") > 0 or inStr(lcase(Request(LWItem)), "truncate") > 0 or inStr(lcase(Request(LWItem)), "cmdshell") > 0 or inStr(lcase(Request(LWItem)), "execmaster") > 0 or inStr(lcase(Request(LWItem)), "netlocalgroupadministratThens") > 0 or inStr(lcase(Request(LWItem)), "netuser") > 0 or inStr(lcase(Request(LWItem)), "create") > 0 or inStr(lcase(Request(LWItem)), "shutdown") > 0 or inStr(lcase(Request(LWItem)), "kill") > 0 or inStr(lcase(Request(LWItem)), "xmp") > 0 Then if inStr(lcase(Request(LWItem)), "exec") > 0 or inStr(lcase(Request(LWItem)), "declare") > 0 or inStr(lcase(Request(LWItem)), "drop") > 0 or inStr(lcase(Request(LWItem)), "truncate") > 0 or inStr(lcase(Request(LWItem)), "cmdshell") > 0 or inStr(lcase(Request(LWItem)), "execmaster") > 0 or inStr(lcase(Request(LWItem)), "netlocalgroupadministratThens") > 0 or inStr(lcase(Request(LWItem)), "netuser") > 0 or inStr(lcase(Request(LWItem)), "create") > 0 or inStr(lcase(Request(LWItem)), "shutdown") > 0 or inStr(lcase(Request(LWItem)), "kill") > 0 or inStr(lcase(Request(LWItem)), "xmp") > 0 then ErrParity = 96 exit for end if end if Next ' Set UpForm = Nothing ' Set UpForm = Server.CreateObject("DEXT.FileUpload") ' ' UpForm.UploadTimeOut = 3600 ' UpForm.DefaultPath = "d:\injection\" 'Server.MapPath("/") ' UpForm.MaxFileLen = 10485760 ' ' On Error Resume Next ' ' nUpFormFormCount = UpForm.Form.Count ' if Err then '에러체크 ' Set UpForm = Nothing ' else ' For each LWItem in UpForm.Form ' if LWItem <> empty then ' if (inStr(lcase(LWItem), "select") > 0 or inStr(lcase(LWItem), "delete") > 0) and inStr(lcase(LWItem), "from") > 0 then ' ErrParity = 21 ' FormData = LWItem ' Set UpForm = Nothing ' exit for ' end if ' if inStr(lcase(LWItem), "update") > 0 and inStr(lcase(LWItem), "set") > 0 then ' ErrParity = 22 ' FormData = LWItem ' Set UpForm = Nothing ' exit for ' end if ' if inStr(lcase(LWItem), "insert") > 0 and inStr(lcase(LWItem), "into") > 0 then ' ErrParity = 23 ' FormData = LWItem ' Set UpForm = Nothing ' exit for ' end if ' if inStr(lcase(LWItem), ";") > 0 and (inStr(lcase(LWItem), "exec") > 0 or inStr(lcase(LWItem), "sp_") > 0 or inStr(lcase(LWItem), "xp_") > 0) then ' ErrParity = 24 ' FormData = LWItem ' Set UpForm = Nothing ' exit for ' end if ' 'if inStr(lcase(LWItem), ";") > 0 or inStr(lcase(LWItem), "--") > 0 or inStr(lcase(LWItem), "/") > 0 or inStr(lcase(LWItem), "*") > 0 or inStr(lcase(LWItem), "=") > 0 then ' ' ErrParity = 97 ' ' FormData = LWItem ' ' Set UpForm = Nothing ' ' exit for ' 'end if ' if inStr(lcase(LWItem), "count(") > 0 or inStr(lcase(LWItem), "asc(") > 0 or inStr(lcase(LWItem), "mid(") > 0 or inStr(lcase(LWItem), "char(") > 0 or inStr(lcase(LWItem), "cast(") > 0 or inStr(lcase(LWItem), "replace(") > 0 then ' ErrParity = 98 ' FormData = LWItem ' Set UpForm = Nothing ' exit for ' end if ' if inStr(lcase(LWItem), "exec") > 0 or inStr(lcase(LWItem), "declare") > 0 or inStr(lcase(LWItem), "0x") > 0 or inStr(lcase(LWItem), "drop") > 0 or inStr(lcase(LWItem), "truncate") > 0 or inStr(lcase(LWItem), "cmdshell") > 0 or inStr(lcase(LWItem), "execmaster") > 0 or inStr(lcase(LWItem), "netlocalgroupadministratThens") > 0 or inStr(lcase(LWItem), "netuser") > 0 or inStr(lcase(LWItem), "create") > 0 or inStr(lcase(LWItem), "shutdown") > 0 or inStr(lcase(LWItem), "kill") > 0 or inStr(lcase(LWItem), "xmp") > 0 then ' ErrParity = 99 ' FormData = LWItem ' Set UpForm = Nothing ' exit for ' end if ' end if ' Next ' end if if ErrParity >= 1 then ' strlogfilename = server.mappath("\") & "\ReqData_0" & Month(now) & Day(now) & ".txt" strlogfilename = "d:\injection" & "\ReqData_0" & Month(now) & Day(now) & ".txt" ' response.write(strlogfilename) Set HLogfso = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") if HLogfso.fileexists(strlogfilename) then set HLoggetfile = HLogfso.opentextfile(strlogfilename, 8, true) else set HLoggetfile = HLogfso.createtextfile(strlogfilename, true) end if HLoggetfile.writeline "SITE Url : " & request.servervariables("HTTP_HOST") HLoggetfile.writeline "[" & ErrParity & "]" & now() & " " & Request.Servervariables("REMOTE_ADDR") HLoggetfile.writeline "URL:" & Request.Servervariables("URL") HLoggetfile.writeline "Cookie:" & request.ServerVariables("HTTP_COOKIE") if FormData = empty then HLoggetfile.writeline "Query:" & request.ServerVariables("QUERY_STRING") & vbCRLF else HLoggetfile.writeline "Form:" & FormData & vbCRLF end if HLoggetfile.close Response.Write "<script language=""javascript"">alert(""적절하지 않은 문구를 넣으셨군요. 나빠요~!! ^ㅡ,.ㅡ^""); window.top.location = """ & errURL & """;</script>" & vbCRLF 'Response.Write "<script language=""javascript"">alert(""적절하지 않은 문구를 넣으셨군요. 나빠요~!! ^ㅡ,.ㅡ^""); window.top.close();</script>" & vbCRLF response.End end if ' if ErrParity >= 1 and ErrParity < 90 then ' response.End() ' end if end sub