For create unsigned xpi, you must to do this: Change current into extension directory. Create two files with hashes in base64 encode. All extension files with hashes in META-INF/ Code: Manifest-Version: 1.0 Name: manifest.json Digest-Algorithms: SHA1 SHA256 SHA1-Digest: /OI4yYYrHDKz24u3ibNqwrreTpQ= SHA256-Digest: Hm8nvJrWiOlrAeSwoKQoYOSAvRqhHvEIveBLlJDTc38= Name: background.js Digest-Algorithms: SHA1 SHA256 SHA1-Digest: Jv+SuehkjQObFu5Cnmy5+AqQOcc= SHA256-Digest: vsFkIXFB3wTWpNXzxaz2O89tKMBlfKQKEnZBKOCFo/4= ... And hash of into META-INF/mozilla.sf Code: Signature-Version: 1.0 SHA1-Digest-Manifest: uDaQxqo2RTMDOnogESmLIeurrLw= SHA256-Digest-Manifest: uDaQxqo2RTMDOnogESmLIeurrLw= Add into manifest.json Code: ,"browser_specific_settings": { "gecko": { "id": "[email protected]" } } Pack all files in extension directory into zip archive with name [email protected] In about:config change xpinstall.signatures.required to false Now you can install xpi in firefox browser. Simple script on 'perl' for create xpi Code: #!/usr/bin/perl if( ($ARGV[0] eq '-h') || ($ARGV[0] eq '--help') ) { print(' Description: Script create unsigned xpi file Usage: In about:config set xpinstall.signatures.required = false In manifest.json set "browser_specific_settings": { "gecko": { "id": "[email protected]" ,"strict_min_version": "45.0" } } Chage dir into extension and exec xpi-create [email protected] '); exit(0); } $xpi_name = "../$ARGV[0]"; print("Using xpi name - $xpi_name\n"); `rm -rf ./META-INF`; $output = `find`; @PATH = split("\n", $output); $manifest = "Manifest-Version: 1.0\n\n"; foreach(@PATH) { $path = $_; $return = system("test -f $path"); if($return == 0) { $file = $path; $file =~ s/^\.\///g; $manifest .= "Name: $file\n"; $manifest .= "Digest-Algorithms: SHA1 SHA256\n"; $hash = `openssl dgst -binary -sha1 $path | base64`; $hash =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; $manifest .= "SHA1-Digest: $hash\n"; $hash = `openssl dgst -binary -sha256 $path | base64`; $hash =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; $manifest .= "SHA256-Digest: $hash\n"; $manifest .= "\n"; } } `mkdir ./META-INF`; open(FH, '>', './META-INF/') or die $!; print(FH $manifest); close(FH); $mozilla = "Signature-Version: 1.0\n"; $hash = `openssl dgst -binary -sha1 ./META-INF/ | base64`; $hash =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; $mozilla .= "SHA1-Digest-Manifest: $hash\n"; $hash = `openssl dgst -binary -sha1 ./META-INF/ | base64`; $hash =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; $mozilla .= "SHA256-Digest-Manifest: $hash\n"; open(FH, '>', './META-INF/mozilla.sf') or die $!; print(FH $mozilla); close(FH); `zip -r $xpi_name ./*`
web-ext build - Creates a zip archive, but does not create files with hashes. Without hashes, the extension can only be loaded from about:debugging#/runtime/this-firefox -> Load Temporary Add-on.... If you create xpi as shown above. You can load extension via about:addons -> Install Add-on From File for permanent use.