по ЖЕЛАНИЮ . (ХЛАМ) https://transfiles.ru/m3m7u Spoiler: 24:33:6C:16:A4:14 гавно Code: 00:0D:A7:CC:E2:42 Keenetic-1051 WPA (1 handshake) 00:0D:A7:CC:E2:EE Ha Long Cafe WPA (1 handshake) 00:0D:A7:CC:E3:23 Holland1 WPA (1 handshake) 00:0D:A7:CC:E3:6A home5 WPA (1 handshake) 00:0D:A7:CC:E3:6D Home6 WPA (1 handshake) 00:0D:A7:CC:E3:90 DAEMGTS WPA (1 handshake) 00:0D:A7:CC:E3:94 Olga2 WPA (1 handshake) 00:50:47:68:97:D6 Dom29 WPA (1 handshake) 00:50:47:68:98:D0 1030 WPA (1 handshake) 00:50:C7:7B:F1:64 Redmi Note 7 WPA (1 handshake) 00:84:ED:62:AD:56 K. S. B WPA (1 handshake) 00:84:ED:62:AD:57 K. S.B WPA (1 handshake) 10:11:11:3D:22:77 HTNS2 WPA (1 handshake) 10:11:11:3D:22:A3 TP-LINK-582F WPA (1 handshake) 20:5B:2A:7B:FC:E3 Bambi 5 WPA (1 handshake) 24:33:6C:16:A4:14 гавно WPA (1 handshake) 24:33:6C:16:A4:42 C&SI-ITS WPA (1 handshake) 24:33:6C:16:A5:B9 Keenetic-7800 WPA (1 handshake) 24:BF:74:2E:19:71 MGTS_GPON_4B88 WPA (1 handshake) 24:BF:74:2E:19:82 AKADO-F1A0-5G WPA (1 handshake) 5C:6B:4F:EC:FD:98 MTS_GPON_4F26 WPA (1 handshake) 5C:6B:4F:EC:FD:E0 Sochi2014-OF WPA (1 handshake) 5C:6B:4F:EC:FE:37 SV07k37 WPA (1 handshake) 90:9A:4A:1F:D3:7B Complex2_EXT WPA (1 handshake) 98:0E:E4:11:B9:16 DIR-300NRU WPA (1 handshake) A4:2B:B0:29:FA:3D DOM3 WPA (1 handshake) B2:00:73:83:33:C7 DIRECT-MBUX 35123 WPA (0 handshake) DC:F8:B9:AA:53:0C RT-WiFi-530C WPA (1 handshake) F8:AA:3F:80:6E:26 Beeline_2G_F16933 WPA (0 handshake) FC:DD:55:66:AB:F6 Mobile Router-ABF6 WPA (1 handshake)
ESSID: Annex pro 9 BSSID: 38:6B:1C:95:30:38 Очищенный cap-файл: https://transfiles.ru/acmat Неочищенный cap-файл: https://transfiles.ru/pnmsc Спасибо!
ESSID:TP-LINK_sokolov BSSID:b0:48:7a:dc:5f:98 https://transfiles.ru/3ewzd Заранее, ОГРОМНОЕ СПАСИБО!!!
ESSID: TP-LINK_4FB13A BSSID: F8:1A:67:4F:B1:3A https://transfiles.ru/58bmx ESSID: A1 BSSID: D8:47:32:E2:37:12 https://transfiles.ru/lzm8b Заранее спасибо
ESSID: canyonO BSSID: B8:62:1F:52:10:85 https://transfiles.ru/2kbpa ESSID: Svithim BSSID: 3C:7C:3F:CA:ED:C4 https://transfiles.ru/phicd
по ЖЕЛАНИЮ . (ХЛАМ) https://transfiles.ru/3ylyh 8.4M Spoiler: D8:50:E6:5F:B8:28 SexStore Code: 00:00:6C:99:60:03 MGTS_yh190 WPA (1 handshake) 00:00:6C:F4:BA:B1 ASUS RT-N12C1 WPA (1 handshake) 00:01:01:26:34:28 Bambi 5 WPA (1 handshake) 00:01:01:26:34:37 LM-77 WPA (1 handshake) 00:01:01:26:34:4B u4astok-74 WPA (1 handshake) 00:05:4F:12:4F:83 Yankee go home WPA (1 handshake) 00:05:4F:1F:DE:7C HOME50 WPA (1 handshake) 00:05:4F:D1:1E:34 Keenetic-4828 WPA (1 handshake) 00:05:78:49:29:F3 2duduki WPA (1 handshake) 00:05:78:5F:26:6F Cococo WPA (1 handshake) 00:05:78:5F:27:45 Rocki WPA (1 handshake) 00:05:78:5F:27:46 HUAWEI-53AB WPA (1 handshake) 00:05:78:5F:27:AF WARMEKAT-G WPA (1 handshake) 00:05:78:EE:23:AB WiFiAnna WPA (1 handshake) 00:0B:18:14:48:83 ZB555KL WPA (1 handshake) 00:0B:F4:E9:BF:1D crag WPA (1 handshake) 00:0B:F4:E9:BF:3A VikaSuares WPA (1 handshake) 00:0B:F4:E9:BF:3F Kryucha WPA (1 handshake) 00:0C:53:A8:21:8C Veter Peremen WPA (1 handshake) 00:0D:C2:74:35:4E SAGEM F@ST WPA (1 handshake) 00:0D:C2:82:45:ED tanuka_2G WPA (1 handshake) 00:0D:C2:AE:15:82 TurkTelekom_TF309 WPA (1 handshake) 00:0D:C2:DA:CD:FA Loites Apt WPA (1 handshake) 00:0D:C2:DA:CE:52 Keenetic-4496 WPA (1 handshake) 00:0E:17:15:F6:C4 Marzanna-Wifi WPA (1 handshake) 00:0E:17:15:F7:8D HUAWEI-AABC WPA (1 handshake) 00:0E:17:ED:62:CD onlime-246 WPA (1 handshake) 00:0E:17:ED:62:EE WH40K WPA (1 handshake) 00:0E:22:AB:85:D5 babusi WPA (1 handshake) 00:0E:2A:BD:0D:8A Prosto2.4G_5G WPA (1 handshake) 00:0E:EF:9C:87:31 RTA56 WPA (1 handshake) 00:0F:09:20:7B:48 iPhone SE (nadya) WPA (1 handshake) 00:16:B4:CD:17:07 Onlime343_5G WPA (1 handshake) 00:16:B4:CD:17:16 septk WPA (1 handshake) 00:20:67:37:0A:FE Xiaomi_C5DF WPA (1 handshake) 00:20:67:37:0B:2F TP-LINK-111 WPA (1 handshake) 00:20:67:37:0B:EC TBSS WiFi WPA (1 handshake) 00:20:67:37:0B:EF Never7 WPA (1 handshake) 00:20:67:72:19:FA Keenetic-8263 WPA (1 handshake) 00:22:1C:59:8C:82 WIFI WPA (1 handshake) 00:22:1C:69:14:91 Citylink-29 WPA (1 handshake) 00:22:1C:69:14:C1 DIR-620 WPA (1 handshake) 00:22:1C:69:15:0A Keenetic-2540L WPA (1 handshake) 00:22:F1:AE:58:50 Keenetic-9300_5g WPA (1 handshake) 00:22:F1:AE:58:F3 gg<3 WPA (1 handshake) 00:23:F7:CC:2F:E3 25f02c WPA (1 handshake) 00:24:19:18:D8:1B кух WPA (1 handshake) 00:24:19:40:48:B6 FKU-admin WPA (1 handshake) 00:24:19:40:49:1A Beeline_E242 WPA (1 handshake) 00:24:19:40:49:6D Keenetic-2828 WPA (1 handshake) 00:24:19:40:49:8C BELLA WPA (1 handshake) 00:24:19:40:49:98 TP-Link_B348_5G WPA (1 handshake) 00:24:19:40:49:9E and82136 WPA (1 handshake) 00:24:19:E2:E7:42 Kapranofff 5G WPA (1 handshake) 00:24:FB:31:A7:E2 default WPA (1 handshake) 00:25:9D:88:7E:1A zhopa WPA (1 handshake) 00:25:9D:A4:D7:95 TOCHKANAKARTE WPA (1 handshake) 00:25:9D:A8:E9:54 Beeline_D173 WPA (1 handshake) 00:25:DF:43:50:7E Wi-fi WPA (1 handshake) 00:25:DF:E6:B5:60 Инен WPA (1 handshake) 00:25:DF:FC:81:0F DM5G WPA (1 handshake) 00:26:9F:55:EB:CE Keenetic-1051 WPA (1 handshake) 00:26:9F:55:EB:F2 vlev22 WPA (1 handshake) 00:26:9F:55:EC:A6 zepp WPA (1 handshake) 00:26:9F:55:EC:FD Xperia Z3 Compact_dd71 WPA (1 handshake) 00:50:47:A9:2A:AB Home 387 WPA (1 handshake) 00:50:47:EE:F7:05 MARIAVOROB WPA (1 handshake) 00:50:47:EE:F8:74 bonas WPA (1 handshake) 00:50:79:E0:D1:E8 mgts129 WPA (1 handshake) 00:50:C7:E7:E8:DF ZTE Blade A7 2020 WPA (1 handshake) 00:A0:54:F1:0E:9C Holodilnik WPA (1 handshake) 00:A0:85:4B:CC:39 Vlad_hPON WPA (1 handshake) 00:A0:85:EB:CC:14 Vahue_2.4 WPA (1 handshake) 00:BB:3A:85:40:FD Davo WPA (1 handshake) 00:BB:3A:F9:72:2B StimOne WPA (1 handshake) 00:CB:00:41:0B:14 IN28 WPA (1 handshake) 00:CB:00:84:DA:71 Tom Hom WPA (1 handshake) 04:18:B6:57:A5:ED HOTEL WPA (1 handshake) 0C:81:12:0F:68:2B 8 WPA (1 handshake) 0C:81:12:0F:68:41 ZKG WPA (1 handshake) 0C:81:12:3B:76:39 785 WPA (1 handshake) 0C:81:12:FD:79:32 ivleff WPA (1 handshake) 0C:81:12:FD:79:53 nora_net5G WPA (1 handshake) 10:00:00:19:84:E3 Keenetic-9622 WPA (1 handshake) 10:00:00:31:D1:44 Besedka 1 WPA (1 handshake) 10:00:00:6B:7F:0B Keenetic-0581 WPA (1 handshake) 10:00:00:F0:D3:34 Boom WPA (1 handshake) 10:00:AA:2F:91:85 Salon-V WPA (1 handshake) 10:62:E5:49:11:42 DIRECT-41-HP DeskJet 4720 series Unknown 10:A3:B8:3D:EC:69 DiR-620-2 WPA (0 handshake) 10:AE:60:1A:36:AD GoAway WPA (1 handshake) 10:AE:60:1A:37:48 kolbasa2 WPA (1 handshake) 10:AE:60:C8:06:63 axent_crokus_yota WPA (1 handshake) 10:B7:13:1A:3C:B2 Onlime45_5G WPA (1 handshake) 10:B7:13:1A:3C:B6 onlime249 WPA (1 handshake) 10:B7:13:BA:BE:6B klanarh WPA (1 handshake) 10:B7:13:BA:BE:BB Keenetic-7800 WPA (1 handshake) 10:B7:13:BA:BF:1B GuestS WPA (1 handshake) 14:07:08:76:EB:5F hawlet WPA (1 handshake) 14:07:08:76:EC:37 zepp WPA (1 handshake) 18:42:1D:27:BC:EC Beeline_E242 WPA (1 handshake) 18:42:1D:5F:85:17 iPhone User WPA (1 handshake) 20:5B:2A:20:70:F5 Thomson-08-76-FF-85-94-97 WPA (1 handshake) 20:5B:2A:20:71:28 Happy007 WPA (1 handshake) 20:CF:30:C7:58:EA Wolov WPA (0 handshake, with PMKID) 24:33:6C:5F:32:57 Vika WPA (1 handshake) 24:33:6C:5F:32:AE Redmi 9C NFC WPA (1 handshake) 24:33:6C:5F:32:D0 RT-WiFi-83 WPA (1 handshake) 24:33:6C:5F:32:D1 Fir_5G WPA (1 handshake) 24:33:6C:5F:33:47 zepp WPA (1 handshake) 24:33:6C:5F:33:62 nyashka WPA (1 handshake) 24:33:6C:5F:33:6D AMS WPA (1 handshake) 24:33:6C:5F:33:AB TOSTER_IoT WPA (1 handshake) 24:33:6C:5F:33:AC Otsosi_Za_Wifi WPA (1 handshake) 24:33:6C:5F:33:E7 HUAWEI-0414XD_Wi-Fi5 WPA (1 handshake) 24:33:6C:5F:35:15 ATS WPA (1 handshake) 24:33:6C:5F:35:69 Flint5 WPA (1 handshake) 24:33:6C:F6:87:CC babusi WPA (1 handshake) 24:33:6C:F6:88:44 MF90PLUS_886AFD WPA (1 handshake) 24:BF:74:ED:91:DF HUAWEI-4154 WPA (0 handshake, with PMKID) 28:EF:01:A8:4D:79 poceydon WPA (1 handshake) 28:EF:01:A8:4D:8C 99999 WPA (1 handshake) 3C:B8:7A:71:DC:8A iPhone_Dmitry WPA (1 handshake) 3C:B8:7A:71:DC:96 VALENTINA WPA (1 handshake) 3C:B8:7A:73:09:A6 Kavkazcitchen WPA (1 handshake) 3C:B8:7A:73:0A:1D zte_nina WPA (1 handshake) 3C:B8:7A:9C:7B:55 smonline_co WPA (1 handshake) 48:76:04:64:FE:18 mseverip WPA (1 handshake) 48:76:04:83:E5:77 r2015 WPA (1 handshake) 4E:49:E3:E4:12:F4 ринат WPA (1 handshake) 50:E1:4A:5C:C4:BF Ufanet 52 WPA (1 handshake) 50:E1:4A:5C:C4:E2 Gad WPA (1 handshake) 50:E1:4A:5C:C5:14 P2Net_5G WPA (1 handshake) 50:E1:4A:5C:C5:55 sartaroshh WPA (1 handshake) 50:E1:4A:EC:E3:36 P10000 Pro WPA (1 handshake) 50:E1:4A:EC:E3:61 netis_2.4G WPA (1 handshake) 50:E1:4A:EC:E3:63 Xiaomi_6071 WPA (1 handshake) 54:4E:45:0E:A4:6F NET_2 WPA (1 handshake) 58:09:43:59:24:54 klanarh WPA (1 handshake) 58:09:43:59:24:E4 Beeline_2G_283 WPA (1 handshake) 58:09:43:59:24:EC dacha WPA (1 handshake) 58:09:43:59:25:8B YOTA-B69F WPA (1 handshake) 58:09:43:59:25:96 NataMobile WPA (1 handshake) 58:09:43:59:25:AA wlan6 WPA (1 handshake) 58:09:43:59:26:16 lapahome5 WPA (1 handshake) 58:09:43:59:26:18 sem-lad WPA (1 handshake) 58:09:43:59:26:E4 PLANET_1B21 WPA (1 handshake) 58:09:43:66:89:D2 toriukas3 WPA (1 handshake) 58:6E:D6:2B:86:8B Stepan WPA (1 handshake) 58:6E:D6:2B:86:92 internet WPA (1 handshake) 58:6E:D6:2B:86:AE mariay WPA (1 handshake) 58:6E:D6:2B:86:B9 monitor WPA (1 handshake) 58:6E:D6:2B:86:BD Kapranofff 5G WPA (1 handshake) 58:6E:D6:5F:C0:E2 oxrana rosinka WPA (1 handshake) 58:6E:D6:93:1C:01 hy WPA (1 handshake) 58:6E:D6:DE:BA:B5 Keenetic-3828 WPA (1 handshake) 58:6E:D6:DE:BA:B6 Cococo WPA (1 handshake) 58:6E:D6:DE:BB:1F ZTE-13752 WPA (1 handshake) 58:6E:D6:DE:BB:68 Xperia Z2_8e9b WPA (1 handshake) 5C:6B:4F:4B:6D:E9 akado 399 WPA (1 handshake) 5C:6B:4F:4B:6D:ED TRINIDAD WPA (1 handshake) 5C:6B:4F:4B:6E:8B mgts30 WPA (1 handshake) 60:96:20:58:03:74 158 WPA (1 handshake) 78:F9:44:F8:7B:0C Fazenda WPA (1 handshake) 78:F9:44:F8:7B:41 std WPA (1 handshake) 7C:2E:DD:A1:4C:DD Alenochkaaa WPA (0 handshake) 7C:E4:AA:0E:48:A5 Yusupovo WPA (1 handshake) 7C:E4:AA:4B:2B:AC HUAWEI P40 lite WPA (1 handshake) 7C:E4:AA:A4:AA:1A MAX-LINK_2 WPA (1 handshake) 80:38:BC:5F:68:18 mgts304 WPA (0 handshake) 8C:84:01:06:41:33 3age_12b WPA (1 handshake) 8C:84:01:06:41:5A MV-DS WPA (1 handshake) 8C:84:01:06:42:0C GN WPA (1 handshake) 8C:84:01:38:E4:AA Keenetic-2540 WPA (1 handshake) 8C:E7:48:BD:12:68 ArturioS WPA (1 handshake) 90:6F:18:19:30:7B Cococo WPA (1 handshake) 90:78:B2:8E:0D:AD qq WPA (0 handshake) 98:0E:E4:39:60:23 Big_log WPA (1 handshake) 98:0E:E4:39:60:9A ╭∩╮(Ο_Ο)╭∩╮ WPA (1 handshake) 98:0E:E4:39:60:9C OPPO A91 WPA (1 handshake) 98:0E:E4:39:61:2E ccremyt WPA (1 handshake) 98:0E:E4:39:61:70 Vladis1 WPA (1 handshake) 98:0E:E4:39:61:8D mgts_gpon_0629 WPA (1 handshake) 98:0E:E4:39:61:B3 apple WPA (1 handshake) 98:DE:D0:CF:31:D8 virus WPA (0 handshake) 9C:93:E4:3B:0C:6B FKU-admin WPA (1 handshake) A0:9F:10:AB:8D:6A 70mai_d06_8d6a WPA (0 handshake) A4:68:BC:03:2B:25 Football WPA (1 handshake) A4:68:BC:03:2B:42 MGTS_yh190 WPA (1 handshake) A4:68:BC:03:2B:48 POCO X3 WPA (1 handshake) A4:68:BC:03:2B:68 SV07k37 WPA (1 handshake) A4:68:BC:03:2B:77 Otsosi_Za_Wifi WPA (1 handshake) A4:68:BC:03:2B:7C Na1v WPA (1 handshake) A4:68:BC:64:DF:5A Putilkovo_19 WPA (1 handshake) A4:68:BC:64:DF:6A SV07k37 WPA (1 handshake) C6:A4:D6:92:1D:0D DIRECT-73-HUAWEI P40 Pro WPA (1 handshake) D8:50:E6:5F:B8:28 SexStore WPA (0 handshake, with PMKID) E0:3F:49:21:16:DC ASUS WPA (0 handshake, with PMKID) F4:28:53:7F:C4:64 lena WPA (1 handshake)
A4:68:BC:03:2B:25 Football - Deniska3 A0:9F:10:AB:8D:6A 70mai_d06_8d6a - 12345678 4E:49:E3:E4:12:F4 ринат - 12345678