Вот последняя версия программы с заменённым exe файлом на файл из версииВидите насколько лучше новый кернел 200.000.(кернел из WPRPro чем 187.000(кернел из WPRProЗачем мне нужна взломанная версия с ограниченными функциями-например, я не могу оценить производительность видеокарты https://imageup.ru/img265/4188915/novyi-tochechnyi-risunok.jpg.html
Цифры скорее всего попугайные, ни на что не влияющие, оценка производительности у меня не работает в 2 взломанных версиях, ( работает только если дату откатить на 2021 год. Не взломанная версия, обладает ограниченным функционалом, например не показывает часть символов из правильно подобранного пароля, ну и зачем она нужна такая ограниченная и убогая?
Так вы не до конца сделали.Вы забыли ещё вставить файл регистрации winspool.drv .Короче, вам нужны 2 файла из WPR v6.1.3.655- это wifipr.exe и файл winspool.drv(Registration_Module) и вставить их в установленную последнюю версию программы(Те новый exe файл заменить на старый из v6.1.3.655).А winspool.drv(Registration_Module)-просто вставить. Не нравится вам можете вставить "исправно работающая без патчей" короче больше писать не буду -кому надо тот понял.
В природе уже есть вылеченная Wireless Password Recovery https://www.upload.ee/files/15503502/WPR_6.8.2.841.rar.html пароль: ru-board Spoiler: Wireless Password Recovery Versions History - ===================================================================== Wireless Password Recovery * Versions History * ===================================================================== [+] new feature, improvements [*] modification [!] error or bug fix Version 6.8.2 [*] Handshake validation algorithm (when parsing wlan dump files) has changed significantly. [!] There were several errors fixed in different modules of the program. Version 6.8.1 [+] New option to sort out WPA3 authentication packets reading wlan dump files. [*] New set of templates to search for passwords based on EMEI for some broadband WiFi routers. Version 6.8.0 [+] Support for some new GPU cards. [!] A fix for the problem monitoring temperature/utilization/fan on some machines with AMD GPUs. Version 6.7.9 [!] The program's logic reading some broken capture files was improved a bit. Version 6.7.8 [!] CPU overusage bug in a dictionary attack without mutation option set on. Version 6.7.6 [!] Serious problem decrypting multiple handshakes using Nvidia GPUs. Version 6.7.5 [*] Some minor changes in the handshake reading algorithm. [!] Some problems with non-English ssid names were fixed. Version 6.7.3 [*] Handshake validation rules have been revised slightly. [!] A minor bug in event notifications. Version 6.7.1 [*] Some security issues. Version 6.7.0 [+] Support for NVidia GeForce RTX 4xxx cards. [*] A minor (up to 3-4%) speedup for most GPUs. Version 6.6.1 [*] More strict rules for determining if the imported handshake is valid or not. [*] Support for timestamps when importing hadshakes from hc22000 format. [*] Update for Spanish language interface. [*] A minor update for the built-in dictionary. Now it incorporates some frequently used Chinese passwords. Version 6.6.0 [+] Support for PMKID handshakes when importing data from Elcomsoft EWSA project files. [*] Some improvements loading handshakes and plaintext wireless passwords from local machine. [*] Update of the French and Hindi interfaces. [*] The 'password found' event notification now includes the name of the dictionary used to find the password. Version 6.5.1 [+] Event notifications. [*] New speed benchmarks. [*] Update for Russian and Chinese interfaces. [!] Some minor interface bugs were eliminated in password filters. Version 6.4.5 [+] Export to Hashcat format (*.hc22000). [+] Import from *.hc22000 format. [+] Hindi user interface. [+] Statistics report outputs some additional info on the given wordlist. Namely: the number of Latin, non-Latin and digital words, words with special and non-printable characters, etc. Word processing speed has been increased slightly. [*] The database of MAC vendors (hardware manufacturers) has been updated. [!] Some errors in Mask attack syntax were eliminated. Sometimes the attack behaved incorrectly if a certain mask was set. Version 6.4.4 [+] Mask attack now supports dictionaries. [*] Support for duplicate removal when importing pmkid items. [*] A better caching of rar, zip and 7z dictionaries. [*] Minor improvements. [*] Some enhancement in password filters. [!] A bug in mask syntax. [!] Eliminated a problem with NVidia 3xxx kernels. [!] A COM initialization bug was fixed. Sometimes the program was showing an error on exit. Version 6.3.4 [*] 2-x speed improvement when opening huge files with batch attack configurations. [*] The column width of the list of hashes is remembered now. [!] The following filter was working incorrectly (only in conjunction with other rules): Limit the min number of occurrences of a character [!] A problem detecting fan speed on NVidia GTX and RTX cards was fixed. Version 6.3.0 [+] Support for NVidia 3xxx GPUs. [*] The algorithm for processing password filters was improved in some attacks. [*] Update for Chinese language interface. [!] A bug saving attack progress was fixed. Some progress with international charactes were saving incorrectly. [!] A bug displaying an incorrect number of processed passwords in mask and brute-force attacks was fixed. [!] An error losing attack progress after multiple pause/continue operation was fixed. [!] Progress of the Combined dictionary attack was displaying incorrectly for some configurations. [!] GPU benchmarking behaved incorrectly and was crashing the program. Version 6.2.9 [!] Security issue. [!] Some invalid options, if set, were not handling properly in a Bruteforce attack. [!] A Windows XP compatibility problem has been fixed. Version 6.2.8 [+] Password filters. [+] Spanish language interface. [*] The password generation algorithm for most attacks except AI, Baseword, and Preliminary has been revised completely. The main the purpose of this change is to parallelize better CPU computations when using GPUs, especially on top-speed devices. [*] Some minor GPU kernel optimization. [*] The list of hardware vendors was updated in the MAC-to-vendor lookup tool. [*] Security issue. [*] Update for Chinese and Russian interfaces. [!] The password export feature wasn't working for PMK records. [!] A dictionary generation bug (in Dictionary attack setting) was fixed.
В архиве две версии ломаного wifipr.exe для замены оригинального. Отчет Вирустотал по первому - https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/a567e494e512d23a6fda0238fd2ea78147a31c7a884e1441ebcf70fdc974d246 Отчет по второму -https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/159085d0ff3a6a007245376d1a98dea0af0d0cd720df0ed76f5b8469d1abc313 Вроде, ничего криминального. Про yoza тоже читал нехорошее.
Вы правы. Тест вылетел \ не запустился. Подумал, решил добавить. Собственно, сам подбор паролей идет на максимально возможной скорости. Летом похуже, зимой получше (температуры). Я, если честно, предпочитаю все же либо рутер скан, либо Кали Линукс. Периодически Портеус. (используя уязвимость ВПС). Вот с Флюксионом у меня не получается (Злой двойник). Знаний маловато.
Вопрос к специалистам. Кто нибудь пробовал, отламать свежую програмку Wireless Password Recovery v6.10.2 ? Из плюшек, добавили формат hc22000