RTSP глючит или кривые руки?

Discussion in 'Linux, Freebsd, *nix' started by Linux-007, 11 Jun 2011.

  1. Linux-007

    Linux-007 New Member

    30 Jul 2009
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    Доброе время суток.
    Помогите пожалуйста с настройкой видео потока. Хостер дает такие указания:

    "Configure your FTP client to connect to the Real Media server using the IP address and username/password indicated above.

    Copy your encoded files (files with the .ra, .rm or .rpm extension) to the /realmedia folder. After uploading your files, you can disconnect from the Real Media Server.

    Use a text editor (such as Notepad) to create a metafile containing a URL to your file. For example:


    Now save the metafile using a .ram file extension. For example:


    Now upload the metafile file to the same location as your Web site pages.

    In your HTML page, reference the metafile you just uploaded using a hyperlink. For example:

    <A HREF="http://yourdomainname/file.ram">Play Video</a>

    When a user clicks on the link, the streaming file(s) begin to download. The RealPlayer begins playing after a few seconds; it does not need to wait for the entire file to be downloaded."

    Что я только не делал прежде чем сюда написать. Так что же конкретно от меня требуется чтобы заработало потоковое видео через rstp сервер?
