A former network administrator with financial firm UBS PaineWebber is sentenced to 8 years in prison for planting malicious code in the company network and then attempting to profit from it. Roger Duronio planted malicious code in the form of a "logic bomb" set to delete files on a specific day. The software was installed on approximately 1,000 of the company's 1,500 computers. Duronio then purchased $23,000 in stock options in the company, betting that the stock would fall and his options would become valuable. Reuters is reporting that the man, now age 64, will receive a prison sentence of 97 months. According to trial reports, the company's stock remained stable following the network sabotage and Duronio did not profit from the attack. He was also ordered to pay $3.1M in restitution to his former employer. Duronio was reportedly disgruntled about the low amount of pay given to network administrators at UBS PaineWebber, the world's largest wealth management company. SecurityFocus first covered this story when it broke in 2002. securityfocus.com