May occur that your server is going to be seized if you dont have a bullet-proof. In this case, LE will have a lot of info on your files, database, bots. They can even issue uninstall commands if you dont use public/private encryption to deliver update to your bots. In this setup, as soon as the server is powered off, all the information is lost. Pros: No information leaked, no proof of nothing, you can go to another provider and continue the administration of your bots Cons: You need a server with more RAM memory, need daily/hourly backups, your datacenter can't suffer from power loss 1) Install mysqld and httpd as usual in /var/lib/mysql /var/www/ 2) stop all daemons that uses /var/www/ and /var/lib/ /etc/init.d/httpd stop /etc/init.d/mysqld stop 3) check if some process are using /var/www/ or /var/lib . If yes, stop them lsof -n | egrep '/var/www/|/var/lib' 4) move all files from /var/www/ and /var/lib/ to other place mkdir -p /root/www/ /root/lib/ mv /var/www/* /root/www/ mv /var/lib/* /root/lib/ 5) mount a ramfs filesystem there . In this case i am supposing your files and databases are not larger than 1G, and your server has more than 3G of RAM mount -t ramfs -o size=1G ramfs /var/lib/ mount -t ramfs -o size=1G ramfs /var/www/ 6) move all the files back mv /root/www/* /var/www/ mv /root/lib/* /var/lib/ 7) start the daemons /etc/init.d/httpd start /etc/init.d/mysqld start 8) now setup your database, files, etc. make sure to monitor if the /var/www/ or /var/lib/ are growing more than 1G (in this case) with the command: du -sh /var/www/ /var/lib/
sure it can damage. i didn't said tmpfs because it will use swap space when RAM is full, causing your data to be written to disk.