Pinterest hacked with butt pics

Discussion in 'Forum for discussion of ANTICHAT' started by K800, 30 Mar 2014.

  1. K800

    K800 Nobody's Fool

    25 Dec 2010
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    The photo-sharing website Pinterest was hacked and the miscreants flooded the board with butt pics.


    The spammers gained control of the profile pages by tricking victims into clicking on “Pin This” widgets on websites or running dodgy apps, all of which had malicious code hidden inside.

    The Pinterest team said this:
    Our systems were alerted to some incidents of spam yesterday evening. These reports did not come in at a large scale, and we began working on cleaning up and placing the accounts in safe mode immediately. The accounts have since been secured.

    We work hard to protect the security of Pinners. As part of that effort, when we see that compromised email credentials are being used in an attempt to gain access to Pinterest accounts, we immediately notify the at-risk Pinner and remind them to reset their password. The best precaution is to use a strong and unique password that is not used on other sites.

    Tips from Pinterest on account security can be found here.
