Да походу это вообще не шифр, а мистификация.Ни малейшей последовательности в знаках не прослеживается. И даже если шифр такого уровня, что проф криптологи в отказку пошли - то почему от руки?Это проц I7 вместо мозга надо иметь, чтобы на ходу от руки(в уме) так шифровать! Лажа полная.Обман.
ALPNTE GSLSE - SE ERtE al's pontiac gran sport license-plate 78 8rte VLSE MTSE-CTSE-WSE-FRTSE valise with merchandise - can't secure - will send everything - storefront south east PNRTRSE ON PRSE WLD NCBE prisonor to be released on date told by person at wild party , need cash before exchange N WLD XLRCMSP NE WLD STS ME XL n-word guy from wild party has extra large clumps of green buds, says to be mexican, xtra lg DVLMT 6 TUNSE NCBE XL dmv late model taxi : female tunisian driver, need cash before exchange, extra large pkg --------------------------------------------------- (AIU NSRSTEN MU NARSE) iou gangster in stetson hat must be narc KLSE-LRSTE-TR SE-TRSE-MKSEN-MRSE kill stetson guy- he arrested tr - settle tr's account to make sense of morse (SAE6 NSE SE N MBSE) so says arab female - need to settle accounts - send n-word to murder the bastid ------------------------------------------------- NMNRCBR NSE PTE 2PTE WS RC BREEE remember the need to settle accounts - pontiac plate 28 wsrc - break every bone in-- 36 MLSE 74 SPRK SE 29KE NO8, OLE 173RTRSE 36 miles east on route 74, south park , 29 kilometers east, route 8, old lodge 173 rose st. 35 6LE CLGSE VUNVTREBKRSE PSESHLE route 35, sixth left, eliminate vulnerability, press the asshole 651 MTCSE HTLSE N CVTVTRS NMRF at 651 mitchel street hotel, n-word can verify truth about my named references 99.85.S 2UNEPLSE VCRSE OLTSE NSKSE NB SE by radio antenna for 99.85 fm , send to nepalese enbalmer olsen's naked skin, should eliminate NSRE OVSE PVT SE WLD NCBE (3X0RL) need to send revolver over to some idiot private who shot his mouth off at wild party need 3 times the usual amount of cash to be exchanged for real large ------------------------------------------------------ PNMSE NRSE 1 N2 NTRLERCB RNSE NTSRCR6 NE penetatiary releasing gang members - need to lurk to clean out squeelers and marm in north east LSPNSE N GSPSE MKSE R BSE N CBE AV XLR dispose of n-word gillespie to make sense of rub-out in the south east bar. n-word can be executed at will for xtra large payoff. HM CRE N MRE NCBE 1/2 MUNDDLSE i found a human head in my room! no amount of money will make me feel half carefree ---------------------------------------------------------- D-W-M14HPL XDRLX dead with my $400,000 extreme danger lurks!