Телефонный флуд. Phone Flood

Discussion in 'Мобильная связь, СМС - Покупка, продажа' started by ProfCom, 16 Apr 2021.

  1. ProfCom

    ProfCom New Member

    21 Dec 2015
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    Hello there! We're excited to introduce ProfComServ - your reliable partner in telephone communications! We are constantly striving for excellence and are pleased to announce that our equipment now operates even more efficiently, ensuring reliable connections and maximum call effectiveness. Rest assured that with us, you'll experience unparalleled quality and a professional approach to your needs. Join ProfComServ and achieve maximum communication results with us!
  2. ProfCom

    ProfCom New Member

    21 Dec 2015
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    Преимущества ProfComServ непреложно подтверждают нашу уникальность в мире флуд-сервисов. Мы разработали инновационный подход к проведению флуда, который делает нас отличными от большинства конкурентов.

    Одним из главных преимуществ ProfComServ является наше использование международного СИП оператора для проведения атак. Мы не полагаемся на ботов или автоматизированные системы, которые часто обнаруживаются и блокируются. Вместо этого, мы заключаем личные договоренности с международными операторами, что позволяет нам проводить атаки более эффективно и безопасно.

    Этот подход обеспечивает нам непревзойденный уровень контроля над атаками, что позволяет нам адаптировать стратегии в реальном времени и обходить современные системы защиты. Благодаря нашему международному партнерству, мы можем гарантировать надежность и эффективность наших услуг.

    Так что если вы ищете надежного и эффективного партнера для проведения флуд-кампаний, обратитесь к нам. Мы предоставляем уникальное решение, которое поможет вам достичь ваших целей без лишних затрат и хлопот. ProfComServ - ваш надежный партнер в мире флуд-атак.
  3. ProfCom

    ProfCom New Member

    21 Dec 2015
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    The advantages of ProfComServ undeniably confirm our uniqueness in the world of flood services. We have developed an innovative approach to conducting floods that sets us apart from most competitors.

    One of the key advantages of ProfComServ is our use of an international SIP operator for conducting attacks. We do not rely on bots or automated systems, which are often detected and blocked. Instead, we enter into personal agreements with international operators, allowing us to conduct attacks more effectively and securely.

    This approach provides us with an unparalleled level of control over attacks, enabling us to adapt strategies in real-time and bypass modern defense systems. Thanks to our international partnership, we can guarantee the reliability and effectiveness of our services.

    So, if you are looking for a reliable and efficient partner for conducting flood campaigns, turn to us. We provide a unique solution that will help you achieve your goals without unnecessary costs and hassle. ProfComServ - your trusted partner in the world of flood attacks.
  4. ProfCom

    ProfCom New Member

    21 Dec 2015
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    "Professional Phone Flooding Services: Unleash the Power of Communication!

    Looking for a reliable and effective way to make a big impact? Our professional phone flooding services are here to help! Whether you want to prank your friends, promote an event, or simply have some fun, we've got you covered.

    With our cutting-edge technology and experienced team, we offer a range of phone flooding solutions tailored to your needs. Our services include anonymous calling, mass calling campaigns, and customized scripts to deliver your message with maximum impact.

    Why choose us?

    Guaranteed anonymity: Your identity is safe and secure.
    Customizable campaigns: We work closely with you to create the perfect phone flooding strategy.
    Fast and efficient: We ensure your calls are delivered promptly and effectively.
    Affordable pricing: Quality services at competitive rates.
    Don't miss out on the power of phone flooding! Contact us today to discuss your requirements and let us take your communication game to the next level. Visit our website or call us at [phone number] for a free consultation.
  5. ProfCom

    ProfCom New Member

    21 Dec 2015
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    Одним из главных преимуществ ProfComServ является наше использование международного СИП оператора для проведения атак. Мы не полагаемся на ботов или автоматизированные системы, которые часто обнаруживаются и блокируются. Вместо этого, мы заключаем личные договоренности с международными операторами, что позволяет нам проводить атаки более эффективно и безопасно.
  6. ProfCom

    ProfCom New Member

    21 Dec 2015
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    Приведите свою коммуникацию на новый уровень с ProfComServ!

    Уникальность в каждом звонке: Мы гарантируем, что каждый звонок уникален, создавая максимально естественное впечатление для ваших клиентов.

    Качество и надежность: Наши услуги основаны на передовых технологиях и договоренностях с международными СИП-операторами. Это обеспечивает стабильную и высококачественную связь в любое время.

    Гибкие тарифы: Мы понимаем разнообразие потребностей наших клиентов. Поэтому предлагаем гибкие тарифы, соответствующие вашему бюджету и требованиям.

    Надежная защита: Мы ценим вашу безопасность. Наши услуги включают в себя надежные меры защиты, чтобы предотвратить любые нежелательные сценарии.

    Интеграция с различными платформами: ProfComServ легко интегрируется с различными системами, обеспечивая вам комфорт и эффективность в использовании.

    Эффективность: Увеличьте эффективность вашего бизнеса с нашими инновационными решениями в области коммуникаций.

    Конфиденциальность: Мы придаем большое значение вашей конфиденциальности. Ваши данные и информация обязаны оставаться защищенными.

    Присоединяйтесь к ProfComServ и обеспечьте себе выдающийся уровень обслуживания в сфере телефонных коммуникаций! ✨
  7. ProfCom

    ProfCom New Member

    21 Dec 2015
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    Elevate your communication with ProfComServ!

    Unique in Every Call: We guarantee that each call is distinct, creating a natural impression for your clients.

    Quality and Reliability: Built on cutting-edge technology and agreements with international SIP operators, our services ensure stable and high-quality communication at all times.

    Flexible Tariffs: We understand the diverse needs of our clients, offering flexible tariffs that match your budget and requirements.

    Reliable Protection: Your safety is paramount. Our services include robust security measures to prevent any unwanted scenarios.

    Integration with Various Platforms: ProfComServ seamlessly integrates with different systems, providing you with comfort and efficiency in usage.

    Efficiency: Boost your business efficiency with our innovative communication solutions.

    Privacy: We highly value your confidentiality. Your data and information are bound to remain secure.

    Join ProfComServ and secure an outstanding level of service in the realm of telephone communications! ✨
  8. ProfCom

    ProfCom New Member

    21 Dec 2015
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    E-mail: [email protected]
    Skype: profcomserv [beware of scammers, carefully check the spelling]
    ICQ: 999-4-666
    Telegram: https://t.me/ProfComServCom
    Viber: +7-985-305-08-93
    Whatsapp: +7-985-305-08-93
    WeChat ID: ProfComServ
  9. ProfCom

    ProfCom New Member

    21 Dec 2015
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    The Principle of Phone Spam Calls to Overload a Line

    Phone spam aimed at overloading a line (also known as call flooding) is a method of attack where numerous automated calls are made to one or several targeted numbers to overload the line and make it inaccessible for regular calls.

    How it works:
    1. Selecting or targeting phone numbers: First, specific phone numbers are targeted for overloading. These can be personal numbers or lines belonging to companies or support services.

    2. Using VoIP for mass calls: Modern VoIP technologies (internet telephony) allow for sending a massive number of calls simultaneously at minimal cost. This is done through special programs or services, such as those provided by ProfComServ, which can initiate hundreds or even thousands of calls within seconds.

    3. Initiating the calls: Automated calls are sent in large volumes to the selected phone numbers. These calls can either be silent (with no audio message) or contain pre-recorded messages to create additional load. The goal is to keep the line constantly busy, preventing regular incoming calls.

    4. Overloading the line: When too many calls are made at the same time, the phone line becomes either busy, or the user cannot answer all the incoming calls. This creates a situation where no one else can get through to the target, and the target cannot make or receive any calls.

    5. Automation of the process: Call flooding systems can be programmed to automatically redial if the line is busy or if a call is missed. This makes the line practically inaccessible for any other incoming or outgoing calls.
    Benefits of this method:
    • Effectiveness: The line becomes almost inaccessible, which can disrupt a business or personal communication.
    • Scalability: The ability to handle and send thousands of calls at once.
    • Automation: Minimal human involvement, everything is done through automated systems.
    • Difficulty of protection: For most users, such attacks come as a surprise and are hard to stop quickly, making them quite effective in the short term.
    Example of use:
    A company looking to disable a competitor's phone line could use ProfComServ's phone spam services. As a result, the competitor’s business won’t be able to receive important calls from clients and partners, negatively affecting their operations.
  10. ProfCom

    ProfCom New Member

    21 Dec 2015
    Likes Received:
    The Principle of Phone Spam Calls to Overload a Line

    Phone spam aimed at overloading a line (also known as call flooding) is a method of attack where numerous automated calls are made to one or several targeted numbers to overload the line and make it inaccessible for regular calls.

    How it works:
    1. Selecting or targeting phone numbers: First, specific phone numbers are targeted for overloading. These can be personal numbers or lines belonging to companies or support services.

    2. Using VoIP for mass calls: Modern VoIP technologies (internet telephony) allow for sending a massive number of calls simultaneously at minimal cost. This is done through special programs or services, such as those provided by ProfComServ, which can initiate hundreds or even thousands of calls within seconds.

    3. Initiating the calls: Automated calls are sent in large volumes to the selected phone numbers. These calls can either be silent (with no audio message) or contain pre-recorded messages to create additional load. The goal is to keep the line constantly busy, preventing regular incoming calls.

    4. Overloading the line: When too many calls are made at the same time, the phone line becomes either busy, or the user cannot answer all the incoming calls. This creates a situation where no one else can get through to the target, and the target cannot make or receive any calls.

    5. Automation of the process: Call flooding systems can be programmed to automatically redial if the line is busy or if a call is missed. This makes the line practically inaccessible for any other incoming or outgoing calls.
    Benefits of this method:
    • Effectiveness: The line becomes almost inaccessible, which can disrupt a business or personal communication.
    • Scalability: The ability to handle and send thousands of calls at once.
    • Automation: Minimal human involvement, everything is done through automated systems.
    • Difficulty of protection: For most users, such attacks come as a surprise and are hard to stop quickly, making them quite effective in the short term.
    Example of use:
    A company looking to disable a competitor's phone line could use ProfComServ's phone spam services. As a result, the competitor’s business won’t be able to receive important calls from clients and partners, negatively affecting their operations.